In God's Word by Mike Mills

July 19, 2016 - Sin originated with Satan, with the first 2 humans God created. 

Satan wasted no time in starting to work his lies and deceptions on the human race.

He has few weapons but those he has he uses for the utmost in effectiveness. 

A serpent as he used in the Garden of Eden, an angel of light, a roaming lion seeking who he can devour. Lies, deceit and deception are his only means of stealing humans away from the Lord, but, he is an expert in each and without sufficient knowledge of God's Word, all shall perish.

Paul tells us in (Ephesians 6:11) "put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." This whole armor is the Bible, whole knowledge of the Word of God.

As we look at our scriptures for today we see some of the weapons of the devil as he works to tempt Eve and eventually Adam.
Doubt - (Genesis 3:1) "Has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden." God told them not to eat of the tree in the center of the garden, the tree of knowledge, Satan attempts to cast doubt in Eve's mind as to what God said.

Lies & Deception - (Genesis 3:4) "you will surely not die." No, they did not die physically, but they certainly died spiritually that very day, and were cast out of the garden, cursed forever and doomed to hell unless they eventually repented.

Half-truths - (Genesis 3:5) "for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Yes, their eyes were indeed opened, they realized that they were naked for the first time. Yes, they did understand good and evil. No, they were not made, "like God".

Sin entered into the world by one man, Adam, and death came because of this first sin. God killed some animal and made animal-skin clothes for them to hide their nakedness. This was the first sacrifice for the lost, the first act pointing to Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for the sins of all men.

Adam and Eve lost it all by that one sinful act, they lost their walks with the Lord in the cool of the evenings when He would come and walk with them in the garden. They lost their innocence and knew shame. By their act of sin they condemned all men to death and insured that Jesus would someday have to sacrifice His own life for our sins so that all men would have a chance at salvation and eternal life with the Lord.

All this for one piece of fruit. All this due to an act of deception by Satan. He hasn't eased his workload one bit in all these years. He is still walking to and fro seeking whom he can devour. Please put on the whole armor of God so he can't deceive you, amen...

You are welcome to join us for Bible study on Wednesday evenings at 6:00PM. For more info call; 936-615-1427. May God bless and keep you each day...