In God's Word by Mike Mills, Jun 17th

June 17, 2016Jesus was traveling from Judea, heading back to the land of Galilee from where He had first come. 

The Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making more disciples than John the Baptist. They were concerned that Jesus was baptizing or converting more people than had John and were becoming more intent on stopping Him and His followers. 

Jesus did not Baptize His disciples did all of that, as Jesus spent His time teaching the gospel, which was first called; "the way".

As He makes His way from Judea back to Galilee He must travel through the lands of Samaria. "Now Jacob's well was there, Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour." (John 4:6)

A single verse of scripture. It seems so simple but tells us much. It is during the time while He is in Samaria that about noon that day He finds and stops for rest at what is known as Jacob's Well. This is in the area where both Jacob and Joseph and many of their family are buried and Jesus sat by this well to rest and drink from its cooling water. 

As He sat and took rest a Samaritan woman from the nearby town of Sychar walked down to the well to draw water. As she drew water Jesus asked her for a drink.

We see from this scripture that the Lord, as He was in His physical body, grew thirsty, as He also did upon the cross when he said; "I thirst". (John 19:28)

Isn't it ironic that the One who is the "Living Water of Life" could actually thirst for earthly water.

Normally, Jews would not associate with Samaritans and looked down on them as being inferior people but we know that Jesus was definitely not "normal". He was totally focused on teaching and converting everyone, both Jew and Gentile to what we now call Christianity. He saw this as an opportunity, not for a drink of water, but as a chance to introduce another person to Himself and to salvation and He spoke to the woman-at-the-well of the "living water" that which when one drinks of it shall never thirst again. 

Jesus may have gotten physically weary but he never became weary of His work. He came to seek and to save those who were lost and He never tired of that work. 

He spent His entire human life doing good, never denying anyone who was in need, never doing any wrong. 

He never closed His eyes to humanity's needs, He ever failed to speak peace to troubled hearts. 

He was touched by man's infirmities and during His human life He endured all of the temptations and troubles that we are faced with during our lives.

Even though he is now seated at the right hand of the Father, He is still watching over His disciples as they minister in His name, for his sake, and for His glory. 

I pray He is watching over you as well today. If, you have accepted Him as Lord and Savior then He is doing so, if you haven't accepted Him; then it's time. Salvation is free, all you must do is accept Jesus Christ in your heart and confess Him as Lord with your mouth to be saved, do it today...