Golden Harvest Ministries Club June Meeting

from left:  Garrett and Traci MettauerJune 21, 2016 - President Joe Anderson called the Golden Harvest Ministries Club to order at 11:30 am on the first day of summer, June 20 with 38 members and guests attending.

Early summer flowers from Linda Bordelon's gardens decorated the tables. June Birthdays celebrated were Harold Hanson, Alice West, and Ann Forbes. New members Bettie Weeks and Jeanette Harvey were recognized. Guests were Traci and Matthew Mettauer, their son Garrett, and his grandfather Joe Bill Mettauer. Traci and Garrett presented an uplifting spiritual musical program with a special treat of Garrett's "Love Me Tender" which he played on his guitar.
Joe started the summer with some jokes for the day. Secretary Ellen Manning read the minutes for the May meeting, and Betty Green gave the financial report for the month.
Ann Forbes discussed the prayer report for members who were home from the hospital, nursing home residents, sympathy list, evangelism, those serving our country and special concerns. Special prayers were given for returning health for Jim Forbes, a faithful member who was missed at this meeting.

Submitted by Linda Bordelon