Greg Hubbard Announces Candidacy for Center ISD School Board

October 31, 2022 - Hello my name is Greg Hubbard and our community needs a school board member that’s a leader that understands the needs of the school district as well as the needs of the community. 

I understand the importance of being accessible to the community that they serve. A board each of us feels comfortable talking to if there was a problem. I will not care what your last name is or how much money you have. We deserve a board member who will ensure fairness across the board regardless of who you are.

I will work hard to hire the best and most qualified teachers and administrators. I will oversee any issues or concerns of the Athletic department when necessary and render an unbiased and fair decision that’s in the best interest of the students.

I have experience because I have served on the board in the past. I am a family man who has children in this district, so I am fully vested interest in seeing Center Independent School District reach its full potential.

Greg Hubbard