Groundwater Management Area 11 Joint Planning Meeting

April 21, 2021 - Citizens interested in planning for their groundwater resources are invited to attend a Groundwater Management Area 11 Joint Planning Meeting held by groundwater conservation districts located in or partly in the management area. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 28 at 10am either in-person at 202 East Pilar Street, Room 119, Nacogdoches, Texas 76961 or via teleconference using the following link: Participants can also dial in using their phone: (346) 248-7799, Meeting ID: 943 0515 3427, Passcode: 728112.

Texas Water Code Chapter 36 requires groundwater conservation districts to conduct joint planning within groundwater management areas. The groundwater conservation districts must meet at least annually to review groundwater management plans, accomplishments of the management area, and proposals to adopt new or amend existing desired future conditions for the relevant aquifers within a management area. The Texas Water Development Board will calculate modeled available groundwater values based on the desired future conditions, which will be used for regional water planning, groundwater conservation district management plans, and permitting groundwater withdrawals.

Groundwater Management Area 11 consists of the following groundwater conservation districts: Neches and Trinity Valleys Groundwater Conservation District, Panola County Groundwater Conservation District, Pineywoods Groundwater Conservation District, and Rusk County Groundwater Conservation District. 

Counties within Groundwater Management Area 11 include Anderson, Angelina, Bowie, Camp, Cass, Cherokee, Franklin, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Hopkins, Houston, Marion, Morris, Nacogdoches, Panola, Rains, Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby, Smith, Titus, Trinity, Upshur, Van Zandt, and Wood.

Texas Water Development Board
Leading the state's efforts in ensuring a secure water future for Texas and its citizens.