Joaquin ISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda

May 23, 2019 - Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of May 2019 the Board of Trustees of the Joaquin School District will hold a regular meeting at 6pm, at the Administration building, Joaquin, Texas.

The subjects to be discussed are listed on the agenda attached to and made a part of this Notice. If, during the course of the meeting covered by this Notice, the Board of Trustees should determine that a closed session of the Board of Trustees is required, then such closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.001 et seq., Texas Education Code, will be held by the School Board at the date, may conveniently meet in such closed session concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to the following sections and purposes:

Click here for Texas Government Code


1 Roll call, establishment of quorum, call to order
2 Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance
3 Audience Participation – Please, each participant is requested to limit his/her presentation to three to five minutes
4 Report/Information items:
4.1 Review Monthly Financial Reports – Joel Bumback, Director of Finance
4.2 2019 Preliminary Property Values 
4.3 Shelby County ARB decision on JW Power Co. Property Value Appeals
4.4 Shelby County Appeal of Enbridge Energy Co/Texas Eastern Application for Pollution Control Exemption
4.5 Proposed revisions to the JISD Local Policy DC – Employment Practices, Employment of noncontractual personnel
4.6 Correspondence
6 Agenda Items for consider and possible action:
6.1 Minutes from previous month’s meetings
6.2 18-19 Budget amendment
6.3 Resolution to extend Depository Contract with American State Band (formerly Texas State Bank)
6.4 Move June regular board meeting date from Monday 17th to the Monday 24th 
7 Enter Closed Session: – Texas Government Code Section 
7.1 §551.071 Private consultation with the board’s attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter.
§551.074  Appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee
§551.129 A governmental body may use a telephone conference call, video conference call, or communications over the Internet to conduct a public consultation with its attorney in an open meeting of the governmental body or in a private consultation with its attorney in a closed meeting of the governmental body.
7.1.1 Discussion of making a hiring decision on the sole finalist for the position of Superintendent of Schools
7.1.2 Resignations and/or Retirement
7.1.3 Hiring of:  a. Teacher(s)
8 Return to Open Session – Items for consideration and possible action:
8.1 Consideration and board action, if any, to hire Mr. Ryan Fuller as the Superintendent of Schools of the Joaquin Independent School District effective on July 1, 2019; to authorize the terms of the contract with Mr. Fuller; and to authorize the Board President and Board secretary to sign the superintendent employment contract with the district.
8.2 Resignation and/or Retirement
8.3 Hiring of: a. Teacher(s)
9 Recommendations for items to be placed on agenda for next meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Joaquin ISD 
10 Designation of date and time of next meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Joaquin ISD