Joaquin ISD Minutes of Feb. 27th Special School Board Meeting

March 3, 2020 - The Joaquin ISD School Board met February 27, 2020 in special session at 7:00 p.m. in the Joaquin Boardroom with the following members present: Chrisco Bragg, Thomas Harvey, Brandon Neal, Jeff Hamilton, Jeff Cater, and Ronnie Belrose (via skype). Board member absent was Tam Hearnsberger.

No guests present. Joaquin ISD Employees present were Ryan Fuller, Superintendent; Joel Bumback, Director of Finance; Terri Gray, Jr. High/High School Principal; Mark Bonner, Maintenance Director; Wade Lawson, Mens Athletic Director.

Chrisco Bragg, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. The invocation was led by Chrisco Bragg, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America by Jeff Hamilton, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag was led by Jeff Cater.

3. Audience Participation – None

4. Report and Information items:

4.1 Presentation of on-site plan for proposed improvements and preliminary cost - CEI

5. Agenda Items for discussion, consideration, and possible action:

5.1 It was moved by Brandon Neal, and seconded by Thomas Harvey, to approve the preliminary concept site plan for stadium improvements. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. The vote was 5 for and 1 against (Jeff Hamilton). The motion carried.

5.2 It was moved by Thomas Harvey, and seconded by Jeff Cater, to approve the issuance of public request for proposals for stadium improvements using the competitive sealed proposals procurement method. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. The vote was 5 for and 1 against (Jeff Hamilton). The motion carried.

6. Chrisco Bragg, Board President, asked for items to be placed on the next board agenda.

7. Designation of date and time of next meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Joaquin ISD - March 16, 2020

8. With no further business on the agenda the meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.