Joaquin ISD School Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes

April 1, 2019 - 1 The Joaquin ISD School Board met tonight in regular session at 4:30 p.m. in the Joaquin Boardroom with the following members present:  Chrisco Bragg, Tam Hearnsberger (arrived at 4:35 p.m.), Jeff Cater, Bill Mason, Jr., Ronnie Belrose (Skyped in), Brandon Neal and Thomas Harvey

Board members absent:   

Guest(s) Present: Jeff Hamilton; Jim Lambert, Linebarger Attorneys at Law; John Manual, Linebarger Attorneys at Law; Richard King, Area Manager, Linebarger Attorneys at Law; 

Joaquin ISD Employee(s) Present:  Phil Worsham, Superintendent; Joel Bumback, Director of Finance; Kathy Carrington, Special Programs Director; Terri Gray Jr. High/High School Principal; Bert Coan, Assistant Elementary Principal; Sherry Scruggs, Elementary Principal; Jon Jones, Assistant Jr. High/High Principal; Rodney Prnka, Transportation Director/Teacher; Donna Vergo, Human Resources Director; 

Chrisco Bragg, President, called the meeting to order at 4:32p.m.

2 The invocation was led by Chrisco Bragg, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America by Bill Mason, Jr., and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag was led by Jeff Cater.

3 Audience Participation – Those signed up and participating were:  None

4 Report and Information items:

4.1 Review Monthly Financial Reports

4.2 Quarterly Investment Report

4.3 Heavy Equipment Lawsuit Update

4.4 Linebarger Delinquent Tax Attorneys report (Report given at 6:10 p.m.)

4.5 2019-2020 Budget Planning Report

4.6 Correspondence

5 Agenda Items for discussion, consideration, and possible action:

5.1 It was moved by Tam Hearnsberger, and seconded by Brandon Neal, to approve the previous meetings minutes. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

5.2 It was moved by Bill Mason, Jr., and seconded by Jeff Cater, to approve the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification (attached). Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

5.3  It was moved Tam Hearnsberger, and seconded by Brandon Neal, to renew the Municipal Advisory Agreement with Hilltop Securities.  Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

5.4  It was moved by Tam Hearnsberger, and seconded by Bill Mason, Jr., to approve amendment to the 

2018-19 budget(attached). Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion.  

It carried unanimously.  

6  The board entered closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act at 5:20 p.m. on March 27, 2019. 

6.1 Enter closed session under Texas Government Codes §551.074 and §551.129 

6.1.1 Resignations, hiring and Contracts 

1.  Resignations and Retirements

6.1.2 Contracts for Assistant Principals and Directors

6.1.3 Superintendent Applications 

The board entered open session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act at 6:10 p.m. on March 27, 2019, to do item 4.4 - Linebarger Delinquent Tax Attorneys report.

The board re-entered closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act at 6:33 p.m. on March 27, 2019. 

7 The board entered open session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act at 7:38 p.m. on March 27, 2019. Agenda Items for discussion, consideration, and possible action:

7.1  Consideration and Board Action, if any, authorize:

7.1.1  It was moved by Brandon Neal, and seconded by Jeff Cater, to accept the letter of retirement from Phil Worsham, Superintendent, effective August 31, 2019. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

7.1.2  It was moved by Bill Mason, Jr., and seconded by Thomas Harvey, to approve Jon Jones’ term 2 year – (207 days) administrative contract subject to assignment by the Superintendent. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

It was moved by Thomas Harvey, and seconded by Bill Mason, Jr., to extend by one year Bert Coan’s administrative contract (207 days) for a total of 2 years subject to assignment by the Superintendent.  Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

It was moved by Jeff Cater, and seconded by Tam Hearnsberger, to extend by one year Wade Lawson’s Men’s Athletic Director/Teacher contract (221 days) for a total of 2 years subject to assignment by the Superintendent. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion.  It carried unanimously.

It was moved by Jeff Cater, and seconded by Brandon Neal, to extend by one year Steven McCann’s Women Athletic Director/Teacher contract (221 days) for a total of 2 years subject to assignment by the Superintendent. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

It was moved by Brandon Neal, and seconded by Jeff Cater, to extend by one year Jacob Laster’s Band Director/Teacher probationary contract (221 days) for a total of 2 years subject to assignment by the Superintendent. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

It was moved by Tam Hearnsberger, and seconded by Jeff Cater, to extend by one year Kathy Carrington’s Special Education Director/Diagnostician contract (207 days) for a total of 2 years subject to assignment by the Superintendent. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

7.1.3  The Board deliberated on the Superintendent applicants but no action was taken.

8  Chrisco Bragg, Board President, ask for items to be placed on the next board agenda.   

9  Designation of date and time of next meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Joaquin ISD – April 22, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

10  With no further business on the agenda the meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m.