May 9, 2022 - The response time for an ambulance in rural areas is around 15 minutes on average, so when medical issues or serious injuries occur this can drastically impact odds of survival depending on the severity of the call. When minutes count, the Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department aims to improve those odds.
The JVFD just this week earned it’s FRO (First Responders Organization) state registration, which makes it possible for any members who also hold Emergency Medical Responder certification to respond to any kind of medical emergency. The JVFD will be dispatched to a medical emergency at the same time as the closest ambulance service and can be on scene administering medical aid while the ambulance is still en route.
Just this week alone, this new service has been utilized 4 times. On Monday for a fall patient, Thursday for a patient with shortness of breath and nausea, Friday for a young person with a potential head injury, and early Saturday morning for a patient complaining of chest pain.
In other news this week, the JVFD’s blood drive with Lifeshare Blood Center was held on Saturday and resulted in 22 donors. A single unit of blood donated can help 3 patients in need, so with the possibility of helping at least 66 people it’s safe to say the drive was a success. We would like to say a thank you to all our generous donors and our friends at Lifeshare Blood Center.
Also worth mentioning is the kick-off for the annual raffle fundraiser that the department puts on. This year’s raffle sees 4 firearms, firearm accessories and a deer stand with the potential for more items. Tickets for the raffle are $20 each or $100 for 6.
The Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department appreciates the support from our community and is always proud to serve. We hope everyone has a great week going forward.