Let It Be by Mike Belgard

December 14, 2016 - The Beatles recorded a song back a few years ago titled "Let It Be".  The gist of the song had to do with the wisdom that was in the words that the young Mary spoke when confronted by the angel Gabriel when he informed her that she had been chosen by God to carry His son. You see Mary didn't understand how all this was going to happen asking, "How can this be, since I do not know a man?" The angel explained it to her in detail. Then realizing that this was going to be an event that was far beyond her understanding, she uttered those words of wisdom that the Beatles sang about: "Let it be to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38)

What is so wise about those words you may ask?  Well its the attitude of the one saying them that makes them so wise. She is telling God and everyone else, that she has surrendered to the will of God. That even though she doesn't understand what God is doing with her or how all this is going to turn out, that she is going to trust God through whatever happens. We need to understand that if we have that same attitude in our relationship with God, that He can, and will be able to use us to change the world. What we have to do is quit trying to figure everything out and just "let it be" and let God work out His plan for our lives.

Mary had found that following Gods plan was always better than following her own. Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."  When we let God direct us into His will, we will always come out on the right side of trials, adversities, and life in general. Gods plan for you is way grander than anything you could plan for yourself.

As we reflect on this Christmas season let us never forget that the greatest gift that has ever been given, is the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus was given through a young lady who was full of grace, who had surrendered her will to that of loving Father when she said "Let it be."  Let me encourage you to just let go of the things that are burdening you and turn it over to God. Trust Him and "let it be" for your life what is His true and perfect will for you. You will never regret it. Accept the gift of Jesus this Christmas season.

                                                                            I'm Just Sayin,
                                                                            Mike Belgard