A Letter About Turning 70

July 23, 2018 - Some people say that age is just a number but there are many ‘age milestones’ that people are proud of in their lives. First, there is the teen year (13), followed by the adult year (21) and over the hill year (40). Once a person reaches 50 and in some places 65, senior citizen is the title obtained and Medicare cards are found in plenty wallets and monthly Social Security checks begin.

What is given the milestone name of 70? Turning 70, an age with no name, is a wonderful feeling. Retirement should have occurred by then, all the children should be grown and out of the house, and most of all, bucket lists are in process: (If there has been one prepared). Good health is a major concern and doctor visits are often, in hopes of keeping healthy.

This year, 2018, people born in 1948 are turning 70. Many birthday wishes are extended, big parties are planned, or desired trips are taken. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone who turn 70 in 2018, the age with no milestone name.