Letter from a Veteran with Tips for Flying the Texas Flag

July 3, 2017 - Independence Day is a beautiful holiday. Spend time with friends and family, barbecue, fireworks, and the biggest thing to me personally is the display of patriotism!

American flags flying all over the place is one of the most beautiful sights! With that in mind, I just wanted to share a quick tip on displaying the flags. I've seen it quite a few times over the past month with new flags going up and that is the direction of which the Texas Flag is flying. It is a very common mistake. Just remember one of these two tips!

  • First, the white of the flag always faces the sky and the red (blood) is to the ground!
  • Second, if the star is not pointing straight up, then it's upside down!

Y'all have a very fun and safe holiday and remember, Freedom isn't free. The ultimate sacrifice has been made by many for us to celebrate this along with all other holidays!

Jason Samford
VFW Post 8904
Jr Vice Commander