Rotary Installs New Officers for Club's 100th Anniversary Year

Rotary Club President Steve Waters presides over his last meeting of 2023-2024 term.

June 28, 2024 - Meeting of local chapter of Rotary International was held Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at the John D. Windham Civic Center for the last meeting of the Rotary year lead by President Steve Waters.

This was a special meeting in that it setups the start of the new Rotary year and the celebration of 100-years of the local Rotary chapter. The Rotary Club of Center is part of Rotary International which has 36,000 regular chapters worldwide as well as 10,000 Rotaract Clubs (Young Adults) and 15,000 Interact Clubs (High school).

The meeting was attended by 25 members, three guests including special guest, Sam Smith, Rotary District 5910 Assistant Governor and Nacogdoches Rotary Club member.

Being the last meeting of the 2023-24 year, President Waters presented Certificates of Appreciation to Rotary Board members who served during his term Cancee Lester, David Chadwick, Bridgette Liem, Cam McElroy, Lawrence Davis, Rayford Copelin, and J.J. Ford. He expressed his appreciation saying, "Thank y'all for what y'all have done for this Rotary Club this past year - it's been a great year and much of it because of y'all, if not all of it. Y'all's support has been instrumental in our success and I appreciate y'all being a part of this. Thank you so much."

He then installed new officers to start the 2024-2025 year with the first meeting being held July 2nd. First installed was new President Rayford Copelin followed by the new board.

Newly installed 2024-2025 Rotary Officers and Board Members: (From left) Board member, David Chadwick; Past-President, Steve Waters; Treasurer, Bridgette Liem; Board member, Laura Rowe; President, Rayford Copelin; District 5910 Assistant Governor, Sam Smith; Board member, Cam McElroy; Board member, Joe West; and President-Elect, Lawrence Davis. Not pictured: Secretary, J.J. Ford.

Rotary meets at noon each Tuesday at the John D. Windham Civic Center unless otherwise announced.

Submitted by Laura Rowe, Public Relations Chair, Center Rotary Club