SC Commissioners’ Court Special Meeting Agenda, Dec. 20 (Revised)

December 15, 2023 - Notice is hereby given that a Special meeting of the Governing body of the Shelby County Commissioners' Court will be held on the 20th day of December, 2023 at 9:30am in the Courtroom of the Shelby County Courthouse at 200 San Augustine Street, Center, Shelby County, Texas to deliberate and consider action on the following items:

1. Approve and pay weekly expenses.

2. Public comments on Agenda item.
3. Approve and pay current Payroll.

4. Reminder that County Road 4356 will be closed as of today due to some bridge work and will reopen January 8th. 

5. Discuss the use of ARPA funds for the purchase of a pug mill for county-wide road and bridge maintenance.

6. Presentation of quotes for 2024 Worker’s Compensation Insurance policy.

7. Discuss and possibly accept quote for 2024 Worker’s Compensation Insurance policy.

8. Discuss and possibly approve the Purchase Agreement of Tasers for the Sheriff’s Department and Constables.

9. An executive session will be held for the purpose of consulting with County Attorney Price regarding legal advice as authorized by the Open Meetings Act under Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code.

10. Reopen public meeting.

11. Discuss and possibly make a decision on issues discussed in the Executive Session.

12. Adjourn.