January 31, 2025 - Notice is hereby given that a Special meeting of the Governing body of the Shelby County Commissioners’ Court will be held on the 5th of February, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of the Shelby County Courthouse at 200 San Augustine Street, Center, Shelby County, Texas to deliberate and consider action on the following items:
1. Approve and pay weekly expenses.
2. Public comments on Agenda item.
3. Discuss and possibly accept the transfer of ownership of (1) Dell Computer Tower and (2) Dell monitors from the DETCOG Regional 9-1-1 Program.
4. Discuss and possibly approve the Cooperative Forest Road Agreement between County of Shelby and the USDA Forest Service, National Forest & Grasslands in Texas.
5. Discuss and possibly provide a patrol vehicle for the Precinct 5 Deputy Constable.
6. Record Racial Profiling for Shelby Co. Constable PCT 4.
7. Terry Allen to give a report on the permitting of the Paxton waste disposal site.
8. Discuss and possibly approve obtaining temporary and permanent easements and determining compensation to be paid there for a resident in Pct.3 in order to build a new bridge on a county road.
9. Discuss and possibly approve the 2025 Inmate Housing Agreement with Panola County.
10. Discuss and ratify the By-Laws approved by the Shelby County Historical Commission on January 29, 2024.
11. Discuss, consider, and adopt a resolution to designate authorized signatories for the 2023 Texas CDBG program, grant agreement number CDV23-0261.
12. Discuss, consider, and approve a resolution adopting required CDBG Civil Rights policies.
13. Proclaim April as Fair Housing Month.
14. COMMISSSIONER’S COURT REPORTS: These are for informational purposes only. Any action that needs to be taken on the basis of these reports will be placed on a future agenda for action.
15. Adjourn.