SC Commissioners Adopt Mileage Rate Change for 2025

January 10, 2025 - The Shelby County Commissioners met for their final meeting of the 2024 year on December 31, 2024, and approved the mileage rate change for 2025 in accordance with IRS Standard Rates.

County Judge Allison Harbison stated the rate is going up from .67 to .70 cents. 

Roscoe McSwain, Commissioner Precinct 1, moved to approve the mileage rate change and Stevie Smith, Commissioner Precinct 3, seconded his motion. The motion carried.

The commissioners accepted the bonds of incoming elected officials and appointed county officers. Judge Harbison listed those bonds they were presented with. 

“JP 4s bond is good until July, so she’ll be needing to get a new bond then and then we’ll come back and approve that bond when we get it,” said Judge Harbison. “Then also the county attorney’s bond is good through July also, that was because of their appointment.”

Judge Harbison planned to put bonds on the agenda again for any they did not yet have.

Judge Harbison stated she had bonds for Sheriff, Tax Assessor/Collector, Commissioner 1, Commissioner 3, Justice of the Peace Precinct 3, Constable, Constable 2, and Constable 4.

Judge Harbison stated she had an opinion from Texas Association of Counties counsel stating that for those offices which bonds haven’t yet been received, the office holder’s bond from the previous term would carry over.

Commissioner Tom Bellmyer moved to approve the bonds, and Commissioner Shannon Metcalf seconded the motion.

The meeting adjourned at 9:43am.

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:

1. Weekly expenses.

2. Payroll.

3. Mileage rate change for 2025 in accordance with IRS Standard Rates.

4. Bonds of the incoming elected and appointed county officers.

5. Adjourn at 9:43am.