July 2, 2020 - Shelby County Outreach Ministries are still serving the community with a few adaptions. The Helping Hands Outreach Center will be opened Wednesday’s and Friday’s from 10-2 to distribute emergency food boxes. It is still Drive-Thru only at this time. Clients are to keep their windows up at all times.
Beginning Tuesday, July 7th, The Unique Boutique will open to the public on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 9 to 4. Customers are required to wear face masks, use hand sanitizer, and to maintain a 6-foot distance from others. At this time, we are only letting adults 18 and over inside the store and limiting the number of shoppers.
Our Senior citizen programs are still providing meals to our clients and calling them to check on them twice a week.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause, but we are still trying to keep both, our employees, and our clients safe during this time. For further information, please call us at 936-598-4990.