SHS Students State Qualifiers in Region 7 U.I.L. Congress Tourney

November 5, 2024 - Shelbyville students Zeke Derr, Gaylon Harrison, Maddie Lout, Kennedy McArthur, and Travis Caporali competed in the Region 7 U.I.L. Congress tournament held in Kilgore, Texas on November 4, 2024.

U.I.L. describes Congress as a competition that "models the legislative process of democracy, specifically, the United States Congress. Within this mock legislative assembly competition, contestants draft legislation (proposed laws and position statements) submitted to the tournament, and they research the docket of bills and resolutions dealing with real-world social and political policies prior to the contest to prepare their speeches. At the tournament, students caucus in committees, deliver a formal discourse on the merits and disadvantages of each piece of legislation, and vote to pass or defeat the measures they have examined."

Gaylon Harrison advanced to the final round of competition, Travis Caporali was awarded best presiding officer and 5th place, Maddie Lout placed 3rd and qualified for the state tournament, and Kennedy McArthur placed 2nd and also qualified for the state tournament. The state tournament will be held January 7-8 in Austin, Texas. Shelbyville speech and debate is coached by Emily Sowell and Crystal Harrison.

Congratulations! Good Luck at State!