Tenaha City Council Regular Meeting Agenda, Oct. 23

October 20, 2017 - Notice is hereby given that a special called meeting of the governing body of the City of Tenaha will be held on Monday – October 23, 2017 at 5:15 p.m. in the City Hall Council Meeting Room located at 238 N. George Bowers Drive in Tenaha, Texas. If during the course of the meeting, any discussion of items on the Agenda should be held in executive or closed session, the Council will convene in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551.101 and Texas Revised Civil Statues.

Order of Business:
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Pledge and Prayer
3. Welcome Guests / Public Comment
4. Consider Approval for September 25, 2017 Regular Scheduled Meeting - ACTION
5. Consider Approval for September 2017 Financials. – ACTION
6. Discuss and Approve Nomination for Chief Appraiser. – ACTION
7. Presentation of Collections of Delinquent Citations by James Guest with Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP.
8. Aerator System Presentation from Kevin Hester with Simply Aquatics.
a. Discuss and Consider Approval to Purchase and Install the Aerator System as Presented by Simply Aquatics - ACTION
9. Discuss and Consider Approval for Completion of the Roll-Off Dumpster for Wasting. –ACTION
a. Discussion Regarding Council Interest on Permitting Independent Wasting Company.
10. Discuss and Consider Approval to Appoint Banks Finley, White and Company Firm to Conduct the FYE 2015-2016 and FYE 2016-2017 City Audits. – ACTION
11. Consider Approval of Resolution #2017-10-23-1R to Authorize Change of Signatures On All City Accounts At The First National Bank of Hugh Springs. - ACTION
12. Discuss and Consider Approval to Temporarily Move the Two Maturing CD’s to a Savings Account at the First National Bank of Hughes Springs. - ACTION 
13. Re-Visit, Discuss and Consider Approval To: - ACTION
a. Purchase Insurance To Cover: a) the Director Of Publics Works Personal Vehicle and b) the Utilities Clerk Personal Vehicle
b. Purchase a Vehicle For the Water Department 
14. Discuss and Consider Approval To Revise Water Deposit Amount/Guidelines. – ACTION
15. Discuss and Consider Approval To Place All Churches on Minimum Billing Rate for Applicable Services. - ACTION
16. Discuss and Consider Future Plans For Cement Tables From McKniel Park. – ACTION
17. Discuss and Consider Approval For The City to Fund Membership Applications for Council Members. – ACTION
18. Discuss and Consider Compensation for Council Members. – ACTION
19. Marshal Department Personnel Status Update.
20. Closed Session 
a. Per Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters) – Review Individual Police Chief Applications
21. Return to Open Session.
Council to Make Motion (if necessary) Pertaining to Outcome of Closed Session Topic 
22. Department Head Reports
23. Council Comments
24. Adjourn