Tenaha City Council Regular Session Agenda, Aug 22nd

August 19, 2016 - The City Council of Tenaha will meet in regular session on Monday, August 22, 2016 at 5:15 p.m. at the Tenaha Municipal Building located at 238 N. George Bowers Drive, Tenaha, Texas.

Order of Business:

  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Pledge and Prayer
  3. Welcome Guests/Public Comments
  4. Confirmation of New Hires to Council: Manuel Cuevas and Rowland Brittian  
  5. Closed Session Section -
    Attorney Consultation (551.071) on Municipal Court Operations
    Personnel (551.074) (deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee) - Duties of the Mayor, City Secretary and Municipal Judge
    Personnel (551.074) Discuss/Review Kendrick McClure Employee Evaluation and Job Description 
    Personnel (551.074) Review Deputy Marshal Applicants as presented by Marshal Wagstaff 
    Section 551.072 – Deliberations about Real Property
  6. Return to Open Session – Take action, if any, on Matters Discussed in Closed Session 
  7. Consider Approval for Minutes from July 18, 2016 Regular Scheduled Council Meeting – ACTION
  8. Consider Approval for July 2016 Financials – ACTION
  9. Discussion and Consider Approval on Reducing the Current Required $250.00 Water Deposit - ACTION
  10. Consider Approval of Water Collection and Delinquent Account Shut-Off Process - ACTION
  11. Discuss Water Main Expansion on West Drive – Review Bids and Consider Approval – ACTION
  12. Consider  C&J A/C and Electrical Ability to Submit Bids Under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 171 - ACTION
  13. Select and Approve Engineering Services RFQ for 2016 Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) – Travis Street and Rail Street – ACTION
  14. Review and Consider Approval of Attorney Shires Invoice #10107 for Services Rendered From 8/5/2014 – 3/1/2016 - ACTION
  15. Review Preliminary Property Tax Rate
  16. Review Preliminary Budget for Water Account
  17. Council Comments
  18. Adjourn