Texas Historian Bill O'Neal to Speak at Smithsonian Exhibit on Sept. 6

September 3, 2024 - Bill O’Neal will be speaking about “RIP” Ford, a Texian Hero, on Friday, September 6 at 3pm in the Augus Theater with the Smithsonian Exhibit. Admission is free!

Rip was a practicing doctor in San Augustine for eight years around 1840. He was also a lawyer, a Confederate Colonel, member of the Texas Congress and Senate, journalist and newspaper owner.

The speaker, Bill O’Neal, is an award-winning author and has written more than 50 books. He has been Texas State Historian, past president of the East Texas Historical Association and the West Texas Historical Association, and the Texas State Historical Association.

Last week’s speaker, Scott Debose, gave a great program about “No Man’s Land.”

The Smithsonian Exhibit in the Augus Theatre is open through October 6 every Monday-Friday (10am-4pm), Saturday (10am-2pm), and Sunday (2pm-4pm). Group tours must be reserved. To make reservations, call Linda Holler at 936-201-8702. Also, when visiting the museum exhibits take a stroll around the downtown area to visit the Windows Into History displays.