Thank You from Friends of the Library

June 23, 2016 - Friends of the Library would like to thank the community for its support of the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library book sale held this spring. A check for $2,160 was given to Mrs. Sandra Davis, director. The library does not receive any tax money; grant money, library memberships, and the donations of various community groups allow the library to continue. The city takes care of the physical maintenance of the building.

Amy Robertson and Melba Gillis have worked as co-chairmen of the book sales, twice a year, for the last several years. FOL thanks them for their many, many hours of work given before, during, and alter the book sales. Appreciation also goes to others who helped: Kathy Bailey, Beverly Bohannon, LaRee Bounds, Peggy Buddin, Mavis Carter, Maggie Casto, Deborah Chadwick, Peaches Conway, Jan Cruse, T.0. Gillis, Martha Goodwyn, Montie Jones, Connie Mettauer, Andrea McLeroy, John Preston, Barbara Prince, Betty Robertson, Carole Rogers, Martha Rushing, Jenny Salter, Polly Smith, Charlotte Szabo, Janene Walker, Fannie Watson, Dottie West, and Jennifer Wulf. 

A special thank you goes to Deborah Chadwick and First United Methodist Church for providing storage facilities, Fred Stansberry for recycling provisions, Johnny’s Package Store for boxes, and to Tommy and Chris Gardner. Sincere apologies are given to anyone whose name was missed.