Time to Celebrate – Upcoming Shelby County Author’s Day, February 18th

Celebrate Shelby County Author’s Day on February 16-17, and 20th

February 16, 2024 - It’s February. Do you know where your local authors are? Most of them are in the deep recesses of their laptops typing out their next book. Some are traveling around to various civic groups, promoting their local historical works, while others are visiting potential historical places, gathering information and research to complete their work in progress. 

It has been one year since the gathering of writers for the first time on February 18, 2023, to celebrate and honor local area authors. (Shelby County Author's Day Event a New Best Seller) The original discussions regarding the possibility of bringing our writers together with friends, family, and community were met with much excitement, but where to begin?

Sandra Davis, of the Fannie Brown Booth Library, offered space over the years for authors to use the Redditt Room to promote our authors, and help introduce them to Shelby County residents and surrounding communities. There is also a section provided in the front of the library for books by the local writers to be checked out. We still felt there was something else we could do to better acquaint the authors with their readers, and have an opportunity to thank them for their support. A flyer and emails were sent out to those who had either written, previously published, or were in the process of publishing. It wasn’t long before the responses began to come in from Shelby County, Carthage, San Augustine, and Angelina County. The numbers were staggering, as the author list grew from seven to seventeen.

The First Annual Shelby County Author’s Day was held on February 18, 2023, at the John D. Windham Civic Center. County Judge, Allison Harbison, and Mayor, David Chadwick were in attendance, and officiated the ceremony, proclaiming that February 18th would be the official Shelby County Author’s Day from that day forward. The venue gave ample room for the attending authors with copies of their published works, as well as allowing the community to show their support and get acquainted with the variety of authors present.

The list of authors below includes those who have written local history, children’s books, inspirational, Bible studies, romance, thriller/crime, poetry, and collections of short stories. You may check with Ms. Sandra at FBBL for copies of their works to check out. Also, many of these authors are fascinating speakers and are more than happy to come and speak at your local civic groups about their books and their writing stories.

The authors include: Dr. David Swanzy, whose book, “Living and Fighting in the French Underground” recounts the story of the battle over Southern France in WWII; former Secret Service agent, Larry Enmon, whose political thrillers will keep you on the edge of your seat; Pastor Lamar Denby, writes about local history about Col. Moses F. Roberts; author Joann Bush, shares her story of growth through tragedy; Pastor Dan Fleming, shares his biblical studies; Betty Wood Oglesbee, shares San Augustine history; Tiffany Bryant, children’s author, Vanessa Davis, inspiration through trials; Carmen Whitaker, Christian romance; Neal Murphy, short stories, inspirational and history; Charlotte Corbell, Huxley Bay and local history; Regina Brazel, youth and children’s books; Rose Deskin, Christian romance; Laura Murphy, children’s, educational; Rosemary Fisher, inspirational; Cheryl Murphy, inspirational stories of home; Terri Lacher, children’s, short stories, humor.

There are still several authors who are out in the Shelby County community who you may know need to be added to the growing list. Many best-selling authors have come from small cities and communities such as ours in the Pineywoods area, bringing the core values that have survived generations of small-town living. Their classics still fill library shelves and are taught through literature classes as examples of great writing and excellent reads.

The best way you as a reader can support your favorite authors is to purchase their books. Many have websites you may visit, and most have their books offered on Amazon or other booksellers. If reviews are possible, leave some great comments on their book page, and be sure to tell your friends. Also, many of them are already launching their next book which can be preordered. And, last, but not least, ask your library to order that book. Purchasing books by local authors boosts our local economy, just as we frequent our favorite coffee shops and boutiques.

This year help your favorite authors celebrate Shelby County Author’s Day on February 16-17, and 20th by visiting your local library and checking out copies of their books. You may also leave a handwritten note with Ms. Sandra to be forwarded to them, letting them know what you enjoy about their books. They are always thrilled and encouraged to hear from their readers. You can pick up a free bookmark with information on your favorite authors and where to find their books at the front desk at the library. Be watching your calendar for next year’s gathering of authors in a new and surprising venue for 2025.