January 20, 2015 - Timpson ISD Bear Update
Calendar of Events
- Thursday, January 21 – Report cards sent home, Elementary tutorial letters sent home and THS Blood Drive
- January 21st & 23rd - Joaquin Boys JV Basketball Tournament
- Friday, January 22 – Basketball JVG/JVB/VG/VB vs. Joaquin – Home @ 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, January 23 – Basketball Jr. High Girls Tournament @ Cushing
Margo Hooper Named to SFASU President’s List – Former Timpson High School student Margo Hooper was named to the President’s List at Stephen F. Austin State University. She has a 4.0 grade average and is in the Honors Program. Congratulations Margo and thank you for representing your hometown and high school so well!
Pre-K Newsletter - Last week we read "Many People, Many Jobs" and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". We also learned the letter Nn, talked about white teeth, sorted mail and newspaper ads. Next week, we will read "London Bridge" and "Wee Willie Winkie".
We will learn about the letter Oo, make ABC patterns and use measuring tools in math, make a book about graden tools and graph our favorite tool.
Some upcoming events: Monday January 18th will be a school holiday for Martin Luther King Day. No school on this day. Report cards will go home on January 21st. Please make sure your child gets to school by 7:45 each morning. Thank you for your help! We are still in need of box tops and soda tabs. Please send these to school along with jammie packages.
Reminders to parents: School starts at 7:45 each morning, and the school day will end each day at 3:25. Parent pick up is at 3:15. We are still in need of magazines. Please send any box tops. If you do not have enough to fill up a bag, you may send them in a baggy and we will add to a page. We will make sure your child gets a prize.
Bowley Sings to Pre-K Classes - Jeremy Bowley came and sang to Timpson Elementary School Pre-K classes. Last week, Pre-K learned about different jobs in the community. One of those jobs that the Pre-K classes came up with was a singer. Jeremy Bowley has tried out for American Idol for the show’s last season. Jeremy also has a son that is in Pre-K. He was so excited about his daddy coming to class to sing. We appreciate Jeremy taking time out of his busy schedule to come and sing to our classes. Thank you so much.
THS FFA News -Timpson High School Ag students are excited about the CNC cutting table that Ag teacher TyCauthen is teaching them to use. Attached are photos of students and the cutting table along with some of the products they have made. Students will begin this week working on projects for people in the community.