April 21, 2020 - All school work (packets) will be due on Friday, April 24. Be sure to label all work with name, grade, teacher, assignment title, etc. It would be great if all work is returned in a folder if possible. If you have library books at home, you may drop those off with your school work.
Packet drop off on Friday, April 24 will be in the following locations from 11 am-1 pm: Elementary campus for the elementary students, Middle School campus for grades 6-8, and the Collegiate Center for the high school students. If you have emailed your work to your teachers, that is fine. Be sure to get a confirmation from them that they received your work.
New packet pickup will be Wednesday, April 29 at the same above locations from 11 am-1 pm.
Middle School and High School work is posted on the school website for each campus if you want to print your packet at home or get started now.
Elementary students have access to iStation online. Please check with your teacher about logins. Middle School students have access to Study Island. These are fun sites to help keep your students’ skills up-to-date.
Dual credit students, be sure to check your websites often to keep up with college work. If you are interested in taking dual credit classes in the summer, be sure to check with Mrs. Charlotte Metcalf, school counselor about registration.
Check with Mrs. Metcalf about scholarship opportunities and continue to fill out applications as necessary.
If you are interested in taking the ACT this summer, register by May 8. Test date is set for June 13.
Texas Health and Human Services has a COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line available at 833-986-1919. Speak with a mental health professional 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for help dealing with anxiety, depression, stress, grief or worry.
The hope is for everyone in the Timpson ISD community to stay safe and healthy during this time. Let us know if you have any questions or if we can help in any way.