Welcome Letter to Tenaha ISD Parents

Dear Parents,

August 2, 2016 - My name is Judy Monroe.  I am the Tenaha High School and Middle School Principal (Grades 6-12).  Students will return to school on August 22.  I would like to welcome you to a new school year at Tenaha Schools.   

Visitors on Campus

Please be aware that all visitors must sign in with the campus secretary and receive a visitor’s pass prior to entering the building.  This includes breakfast times and lunch times.  Visitors will be required to sign out at the same campus prior to leaving.

Changes in Bell Schedule

There have been a few changes to the bell schedule this year:
•    Breakfast is served from 7:20-7:50 and the first bell will ring at 7:50.  
•    The tardy bell will ring at 7:55.  If your child is not in his/her seat by the tardy bell then he/she will be counted tardy.  
•    Lunch for Middle School - 12:01 - 1:29pm
•    Lunch for High School - 12:55 - 1:23pm
•    Tiger Tutorial - 1:27 - 1:55pm
•    Pep Rally Time on Fridays - 1:27 - 1:55pm
•    Final Bell to release students - 3:35pm

Tiger Tutorials

The Tiger Tutorial is an intervention program built in to the school day designed to provide additional help for those students experiencing academic difficulty.  It is also designed to provide enrichment for students that do not experience difficulty.  Tiger Tutorial time will be used for Academic UIL practice as well as Robotics.  This time will also be used for Civic and Character Education.  

Dress Code

The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards.  Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following:

As a general rule, the items listed below are prohibited at Tenaha ISD, but others may be added if deemed appropriate:
1)    Hats, do-rags, or any other head covering (including hoodies).
2)    Piercings, earrings that are not in the ears for girls, any earrings on boys.
3)    Facial Hair on boys.
4)    Designs in the hair.
5)    Un-natural color of the hair.
6)    Hair on boys that covers the ears, shirt collar, or eyes.
7)    House shoes or other sleepwear.
8)    Tights, leggings, jeggings or yoga pants of any variety.
9)    Tank tops or low-cut tops.
10)    Mesh shorts or tops (workout clothes).
11)    Harley-Davidson style choker chains, studded or spiked collars or bracelets.
12)    Tee shirts or other clothing that is offensive to a group by sex, religion, or ethnicity.
13)    Clothing with obscene, suggestive pictures/words or which advertise alcohol, tobacco, drug, or gang related paraphernalia.
14)    Any article of clothing which reveals student's undergarments.
15)    Combs or hair picks that are not properly stored (ie: combs and picks that are worn in the hair will be confiscated).
16)    Holes or ripped jeans that display skin above the knee.

If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student may be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day, until the problem is corrected, or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Parent Communication

Parent communication is important to us.  For this reason we have the Parent Tab on our Tenaha ISD webpage.  You may access various forms, information regarding state assessments and policies that have been implemented this year at www.tenahaisd.com.  You can also find the Anonymous Alert system to report bullying.  

Parents will also have the opportunity to access their child’s academic progress and attendance in each of their classes in grades 4 through 12 via the Internet on Parent Portal.  You may contact the school secretary to receive instructions for Parent Portal.  

Tenaha High School’s faculty and staff continue to strive for excellence in all that we do.  Our goal is to provide every student with the knowledge and confidence to succeed throughout their Middle School and High School career and beyond. Together we can achieve what others think are impossible!

Judy Monroe
Tenaha Independent School District
Principal Grades 6-12