©By Larry Hume (VFW Post 8904)

VFW to Observe Sinking of USS Maine

February 5, 2024 - The Spanish-American War lasted a little less than four months, April 21 – August 13, 1898, and ended Spain’s worldwide empire. It ended with America easily defeating Spain and signaled the United States' emergence as a world power. The blowing up of the battleship USS Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898, with the loss of 266 crewmen and marines, in essence, was the start of the war.

Vietnam Peace Accord of 1973 Observance

January 22, 2024 - The Paris Peace Accord ending the Vietnam War was signed on January 27, 1973 and was followed by the withdrawal of the remaining American troops. The terms of the accord called for a complete ceasefire in South Vietnam, allowed North Vietnamese forces to retain the territory they had captured, release of US prisoners of war, and called for both sides to find a political solution to the conflict.

VFW Post 8904 Honors Melissa Munoz as Post Teacher of the Year

December 11, 2023 - VFW Post 8904 and the Auxiliary would like to thank Center Elementary Principal Crystal Chisenhall for arranging our visit on December 8 to honor fourth grade teacher Melissa Munoz as our Post Teacher of the Year. Melissa also recently won the District 19 competition and will now compete at the state level. We enjoyed presenting her awards in front of her students.

Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance

December 4, 2023 - It began when Japanese aircraft appeared in the air over Pearl Harbor, Hawaii just before 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, December 7th, 1941. When the attack ceased shortly before 10:00 a.m., less than two hours after it began, American forces had paid a fearful price. Eighteen (18) ships were either damaged or sunk, 180 aircraft were destroyed and 2,403 were dead and thousands of others wounded.

Where Will You Spend Veterans Day 2023? Veterans Day Programs Available

November 6, 2023 - Veterans Day, November 11, is a time for all Americans to pay their respects to those who have served our country. One day to stand united in respect for ALL veterans, past and present. We celebrate and honor America’s Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, willingness to serve, and sacrifice for the common good.

Traditionally, Shelby County Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8904 does not hold a program on this day. Instead, we join with the local schools that are hosting an event to honor this day.


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