Composed by Scott Flowers

Center Council Reviews, Approves Visual Surface Area Report for Municipal Airport

February 11, 2015 - The council approved Resolution 2015-9 accepting the visual surface area report for the Center Municipal Airport and remediation response. Nehring addressed the council in reference to the resolution and a few months ago at the second meeting of October 2014 he presented the council with plans from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the airport.

"I brought to the council FAA's notice that they were expanding the visual surface runway approach for instrument landing requirements," said Nehring.

Timpson Council Seeks Reduction in Police Force, Community Petition Disagrees

February 10, 2015 - The Timpson City Council has been considering a reduction in its police force for several months now and over the course of several meetings. Budgetary concerns by some council members has been a contributing factor in the debate which has left many citizens and businesses in the community with the desire of their voices to be heard on this issue by the council.


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