Submitted by Barbara Scates

Texas Historical Marker for Excelsior Common School No. 47

October 4, 2018 - The State of Texas has declared Excelsior Common School No. 47 a historical site. Excelsior School has been in existence for over 120 years. Plans are in motion for a Spring dedication ceremony for the unveiling of the marker.

An Excelsior Alumni reunion is also being planned in conjunction with the marker dedication. This will be a first time reunion for Excelsior School. We are requesting copies of pictures and any of your Excelsior school memories. The reunion committee is also on the hunt for the oldest living student.

Excelsior Students Enjoy First Vocabulary Parade

March 21, 2018 - On Friday, March 9, Excelsior ISD enjoyed their first annual Vocabulary Parade. Pre-K through third grades picked their vocabulary word and made signs and costumes to represent that word. They were quite creative and did a fantastic job! Parents and grandparents were present for the event. The parade was a huge success and we can plan on another vocabulary parade next year!


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