Submitted by Cheryl Green

Joaquin Economic Development Corp. Special Meeting Agenda, Feb. 4

January 31, 2025 - The Joaquin Economic Development Corporation will meet in special session on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 5pm at the Joaquin Volunteer Department located at 131 Steve Hughes Drive, Joaquin, Texas.
The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

1. Call to Order:
2. Roll Call: To establish a quorum.
3. Discuss and consider action: Review contracts and possible approve to grant funds to the City for road maintenance via contract.
4. Adjourn.

City of Joaquin Rescinds Boil Water Notice

January 28, 2025 - On January 23, 2025 the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality required the City of Joaquin public water system, #210010, to issue a Boil Water Notice to inform customers, individuals, or employees that due to conditions which occurred recently in the public water system, the water from this public water system was required to be boiled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

Joaquin Economic Development Corporation Notice of Regular Meeting, Jan. 21 Agenda

January 17, 2025 - The Joaquin Economic Development Corporation will meet in regular session on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 5pm at the Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department located at 131 Steve Hughes Drive, Joaquin, Texas.

The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

1. Call to Order:

2. Roll Call: To establish a quorum.

3. Discuss and consider action: Discuss and consider approving the previous meeting minutes.

4. Discuss and consider action: Discuss and consider approving the financials.

Joaquin Public Safety Corporation Notice of Meeting, Jan. 21 Agenda

January 17, 2025 - The Joaquin Public Safety Corporation will meet in regular session on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 5:30pm at the Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department located at 131 Steve Hughes Drive, Joaquin, Texas.

The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

1. Call to Order:

2. Roll Call: To establish a quorum.

3. Discuss and consider approving the previous meeting minutes.

4. Discuss and consider approving the financials.

City of Joaquin Notice of Regular Meeting, Jan. 21 Agenda

January 17, 2025 - The City Council of Joaquin will meet for a Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 6pm at Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department located at 131 Steve Hughes Drive, Joaquin, Texas.

The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

1. Call to Order:

2. Roll Call: To establish a quorum.

3. Invocation:

4. Pledge: United States Pledge, Texas Pledge

City of Joaquin Governing Body Notice of Meeting, Dec. 10 Agenda

December 6, 2024 - The City Council of Joaquin will meet for a Special Called Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department, 131 Steve Hughes Drive, Joaquin, Texas.

The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

1. Call to Order:

2. Roll Call: To establish a quorum 

3. Invocation:

4. Pledge: United States Pledge, Texas Pledge

Joaquin City Council Notice of Regular Meeting, October 24 Agenda

October 21, 2024 — Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of Joaquin City Council to be held on October 24, 2024 in the Joaquin Volunteer Fire Dept., 131 Steve Hughes Drive, Joaquin, Texas, beginning at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering the following agenda items.

The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

1. Call to Order:

2. Roll Call: To establish a quorum.

3. Invocation:

4. Pledge: United States Pledge, Texas Pledge


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