May 31, 2024 - Smith County Master Gardeners, Tyler Parks and Recreation, and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service have joined forces once again to host the third annual Nature Detective Camp. Based on the Junior Master Gardener ™ Wildlife Gardener curriculum, the program goal is to foster in each child curiosity about nature, a love for the outdoors, problem solving, leadership, stewardship, and a sense of community.
May 1, 2024 - The annual Arcadia homecoming will be held Saturday, May 18, 2024, in Neil Grant’s barn (11360 FM 1645), one mile north of the intersection with FM 138.
Potluck lunch will take place at 12-noon followed by a short Powdrill Cemetery business meeting and election of new cemetery board members. Bring your favorite dish, something to drink, and contributions for the Powdrill Cemetery Fund.