Submitted by Mary Tinkle

Timpson Veterans Day Program

October 31, 2017 - Timpson ISD and American Legion Post 90 will host the Veterans Day Program Friday, November 10  at 10am in the Timpson High School gym. Each veteran will be recognized individually during the program.

All veterans are invited to attend this program. Veterans are asked to meet in the gym lobby at 9:45. Veterans and their spouses will be escorted into the gym

The Timpson High School staff will serve lunch to the veterans and their spouses in the high school library following the program.


Timpson Veteran’s Day Program Schedule (Update)

November 9, 2016 - American Legion Post 90 and Timpson ISD announce the annual Veterans Day Program will be Friday, November 11 at 10a.m. in the TISD high school gymnasium. 

The program will include posting of the colors ceremony, music by Master Sergeant Daniel C. Penhallegon and the THS band, individual recognition of each veteran in attendance, presentation of flags to veterans by kindergarten/senior class and flag folding ceremony. 

Timpson ISD Sponsors Memorial Day Program

May 23, 2016 - American Legion Post 90 and Timpson ISD will sponsor a Memorial Day program at the gazebo on the Timpson square Monday, May 30 at 10am.

Military servicemen from Timpson who were killed in duty to their country will be named and Gold Star families will be recognized. In addition the presentation of colors, speeches and playing of TAPS will be part of this program.

Please join us for this important  program that recognizes, remembers and shows appreciation  to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our county.

Center FUMC Hosts Sacred Sounds of the Season (Updated)

December 1, 2015 - The Center Frist United Methodist Church will host Sacred Sounds of the Season Thursday, December 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary. musicians, singers, and liturgical dancers from community churches will share their talents in honor of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone is invited to attend this special program that is sure to get you in the holiday spirit of this holy season. The Center First United Methodist church is located at 211 Porter Street in Center.

American Legion Post 90 to Host Timpson Veterans Day Program

November 2, 2015 - Timpson ISD and American Legion Post 90 will present a Veterans Day Program Wednesday, November 11th at 10am in the Timpson High School gym.

All veterans are invited to attend this program. Veterans are asked to meet in the gym lobby between 9:30am - 9:45am so that TISD staff can get your information including name, rank and time of service. This information will be used when each veteran is individually introduced.


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