Submitted by Sherri Strahan

Timpson ISD to Have Surplus Sale

September 5, 2024 - Timpson ISD Surplus Sale Friday, September 13 8am - 12pm.

Located at 415 McLawchlin Street at Timpson ISD car storage area.

Some of the Items include:

White vent hoods; White ovens (electric); Sinks; Faucets; Desks; Wooden Pallets; Filing Cabinets.

Cash Only
Items must be paid for when purchased and must be picked up by 3pm on day of sale.

Timpson ISD Reserved Football Seating, Senior Citizen Passes

August 12, 2024 - Timpson ISD information for the 2024-2025 football Reserved Football Seating and Senior Citizen Passes.

Reserved Football Seating – Timpson ISD will begin selling reserved football seating on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.  If you wish to keep your reserved seats you had for the 2023-2024 football season, be sure and go to the Central Office and see Sherri to secure your seats for the upcoming 2024-2025 football season.

Timpson Bears Reserved Football Seats, Senior Passes

August 4, 2023 - Timpson ISD will begin selling reserved football seating on Monday, August 7, 2023. If you wish to keep your reserved seats you had for the 2022-2023 football season, be sure and go to the Central Office and see Sherri to secure your seats for the upcoming 2023-2024 football season. Please do this BEFORE Tuesday, August 22 so your seats will not possibly be purchased by another person. And remember, Event Center parking will be available for reserved ticket holders, senior citizen pass holders and Timpson ISD staff.

Timpson ISD Substitute Training/Orientation

June 28, 2023 - Timpson ISD has scheduled a substitute orientation/training for Monday, July 24, 2023, at 9 am at the Timpson ISD Event Center. The training is required each year for those who are recurring substitute teachers or new applicants. If you have never been a substitute teacher at the district, you will need to fill out an application. The application may be obtained prior to the training date at the Central office.

Timpson ISD Substitute orientation/training

December 8, 2022 - Timpson ISD has scheduled a substitute orientation/training for Monday, January 9, 2023, at 9 am at the Timpson ISD Event Center. The training is required each year for those who are recurring substitute teachers or new applicants. If you have never been a substitute teacher at the district, you will need to fill out an application. The application may be obtained prior to the training date at the Central office.

Timpson ISD Notice of Destruction of Special Education Records

June 21, 2022 - The Timpson Independent School District Special Education Department will be destroying confidential student information on special education students who have graduated, moved, or were dismissed in 2015. Parents of these students may come to the Special Education Office located in the Timpson Middle School at 836 Bear Drive between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday, to claim their file. The remaining files will be destroyed as per state directives 30 days from the date of this notice. If you have any questions, please call 936/558-4109.


Subscribe to RSS - Submitted by Sherri Strahan