Submitted by Tim Perkins

Across the Preacher’s Desk: In Remembrance

March 10, 2022 - It was one night a few weeks ago, my wife was watching Hallmark Movies and I just wasn’t in the mood for a Hallmark Movie. I was more in the mood for an old World War II Movie. Well, I started searching Amazon Prime and found an old movie I had only seen once before. I had watched it on the “Late Show” with my dad in the mid 1960’s. So I tuned in and watched the movie.

Across the Preacher’s Desk: Do Others See Jesus in You?

February 24, 2022 - I read a story the other day that came out of an era when Passenger Trains were the primary mode of transportation. It seems a little lame boy was carrying a basket of candy and fruit as he hurried to the passenger gate at the train station as fast as his crutches would permit. As the passengers were rushing through the gate, a fast-moving young business executive accidentally hit the boy’s basket, knocking its contents in every direction. He paused only long enough to severely scold the crippled boy for being in his way.

Across the Preacher’s Desk: Consider The Lilies

February 17, 2022 - Though it is February, in East Texas that means that spring is “just around the corner.” With springtime, the grass starts to turn green again, the trees bud and the flowers bloom. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus admonished his listeners to “consider the lilies of the field”. When you unpack that statement, there are two important things for us to consider.

Across the Preacher’s Desk: Clutter On The Desk

February 3, 2022 - It’s probably a good thing you cannot really see what’s “across the preacher’s desk”! There are a couple of coffee cups, various file folders, several stacks of books, yellow legal pads with sermons and Bible class lessons in various stages of completion (or incompletion, depending on your point of view) and then assorted papers, trinkets, numerous pens, well, you get the idea. The “preacher’s desk is messy and cluttered. Truth be told, I have always said that a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind in my attempt to justify my mess.


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