December 4, 2023 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, December 4. This past weekend, our choir and bells got to be in a parade! Each year, on the first Saturday of December, our town has a nighttime lighted Christmas parade. Once again, hundreds of friends from the community gathered at our historic courthouse square to kick off the holidays. It was fun!
Did you know that there’s a verse in the New Testament about a parade? Paul, who often used cultural events and traditions as metaphors for the Christian life, describes it in 2 Corinthians 2:14 - “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere.”
In Roman times, victorious generals were given a parade to celebrate their triumphs. These processions were actually called “triumphs” and entered the great capital city through the Triumphant Gate, a portal used only for this purpose. The general would ride in a huge chariot pulled by four majestic horses. And marching behind the conquering hero would be those who had been conquered - the captives, the slaves. In Paul’s metaphor we are the captives of Christ, who is eternally victorious. These Roman spectacles would often have religious overtones and many of the participants would be carrying incense. And so, we, the slaves of Christ, spread the aroma, the knowledge, of who He Is wherever we go.

Now that’s a parade!

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

Journey to Bethlehem, First Baptist Center's Community Christmas event, is just five days away. Free tickets can be reserved online at Come to Old Bethlehem, December 8-10, 6-8pm, it's going to be fun!

November 30, 2023 - I read a story not long ago that came from another day and time. An era when life was simpler and it was common for people to work for their passage on ships. It seems a young boy approached a ship’s captain in Boston Harbor and asked him if he had a berth on board for a young man who wanted to earn some money during the summer.

The ship’s captain inquired what he could do. The young boy said, “Well, I can do my best at whatever I am asked to do”. The captain then asked him what kind of work he had done. The boy replied, “I have sawed and split all my mother’s wood for nearly two years.”

The captain then asked, “Well, what have you not done?” The young boy replied, “Well sir, I have not whispered in school for a whole year.” With that, the captain hired the young boy. He knew that a boy who can master a woodpile and control his tongue must be made of good stuff.

Truth be told, it would be good if all of us could learn to control our tongue. Remember, James would write of the tongue, “it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we God, even the Father and therewith curse we men; which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessings and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” Many of the problems of life could be avoided if men and women would only learn to control their tongues.

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at

November 27, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, November 27.

"CHRISTMAS CANCELLED IN BETHLEHEM!" I saw this news headline a few days ago, the sad news that the town where Christmas began wouldn't be open for holiday pilgrims this year. This is, of course, because of the unrest in the Holy Land. Bethlehem is located in the West Bank, just outside of Jerusalem, an area where millions of Palestinians live. The danger for tourists is just too great. A sad note for this holiday season.

My church, First Baptist Center, is recreating Old Bethlehem, as a Christmas gift to our community. The December 8-10 event features 30 costumed characters in six outdoor scenes, with a dozen nativity animals. "Journey to Bethlehem" is in its second year, and, if you're a local reader, we invite you and yours to join us. Go to for more info, photos from last year, and to reserve free tickets.

As I reflect on New Bethlehem today, and the wars and rumors of wars in our world, I'm reminded of this verse from an old carol about Old Bethlehem, that "little town."

O morning stars together
Proclaim Thy holy birth
And praises sing to God the King
And peace to men on earth

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

November 22, 2023 - I read the other day about a man who took flying lessons. At the end of the course, he passed his tests and got his pilot’s license. So, one of the first things he does is take his wife up for a ride. As they were flying along, among the clouds he finally commented, “It surely is nice up here, no back seat driving. You are not constantly telling me to watch out, slow down, use my turn signal. It’s nice not listening to all of that.” That is when she said, “look out for those birds.”

You see there is just no getting away from “back-seat drivers.” They are like critics, every calling of life has its back-seat drivers and critics. They are always the ones who could do it better than you could and are glad to tell you that they could.

We find them in the community. Whatever comes up, they have all the answers and are free with their criticisms. They are in our families. They can tell others how to raise children. They are in the church. They have the answer to any question that comes up and never have to study a Bible to have that answer. They can put the preacher in his place and they can get the leaders of the church “told” in no uncertain terms. They know everything that is wrong and seldom see anything that is right.

Yes. Back seat drivers (critics) are everywhere. They are “swift to speak and slow to hear.” Let’s make sure we aren’t one of them.

It’s something to think about. . . tbp

Join us for worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at

November 21, 2023 - Give the Gift of Life by Donating Blood from 10am to 2:30pm on Saturday, December 2nd at First Methodist Church, 211 Porter Street, Center, Texas. 

Reserve your time today by using the link below or call the Church Office 598-2707.

“Inasmuch as you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me….” Matt. 25:35

November 20, 2023 - Deacon Jones was the most consistent and dependable deacon in one of my pastorates. He never missed a service, he served on the Finance and Usher’s Committees and never missed a meeting. His dress, home, automobile and lawn were immaculately neat. He was Chairman of the Deacons and was known for his prayers of thanks.

But none of us dared to be seen in public with him. His intimidation of waitresses, nurses, bankers and grocery clerks was well-documented in our town. After blessing the food one day, he shouted at the waitress, “You brought me cold coffee! Get out of my sight and don’t let me see your face again!” And his unconscionable mistreatment of his hospital nurses was an embarrassment to us… and to God.

I’m sure Deacon Jones was taught to say “thank you” while growing up. But saying and praying “thank you” is meaningless hypocrisy when we have no consideration for our fellow man. God, who sees in the darkness and the light, is not fooled by our unsubstantiated prayers of thanks.

“Thanks-giving” means nothing if we’re not “thanks-living.”

November 20, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, November 20.

Today we'll take a look at a Bible character... who was thankful.

Leprosy is considered by historians to be the first known and recorded disease. Scientific proof dates back to 2000 BC and Hippocrates wrote about leprosy five centuries before Bethlehem. It was incurable and those who contracted it were quarantined, not for 10 days, but for the rest of their agonizing lives. 

The Bible mentions leprosy 68 times and in the Book of Leviticus we find rules for those who suffered from it. One of those rules was that the infected had to remain at least six feet away from other people. Anyone reminded of the Covid pandemic?

On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus encountered a group of ten lepers. He commanded them to go to the priest to be examined - this practice is also found in Leviticus. It is important to note that they were not cured until they turned to go. They made that decision not by sight, but by faith. But faith is not our focus today - we are here to think about thankfulness. And of the ten lepers who were made clean, only one turned back to say thank you.

This one, a Samaritan by the way, came back to the Lord shouting his praise! And then he "prostrated" himself - he laid spread eagled, face down in the middle of the dusty road. The nine others focused on finding the priest, being declared clean, returning to family and friends.

The one leper, instead, focused on the "giver of all good gifts"... and was thankful.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

Free tickets for First Baptist Center's holiday event, "Journey to Bethlehem," December 8-10, are available at My local readers are warmly invited, and urged to invite others. Thanks!

November 17, 2023 - The Minister's Alliance of Shelby County invites you to a Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 19, 6pm at Abundant Love Church, HWY 87 East at Loop 500. Pastor Marlin Cloudy will bring the sermon, and will be joined by pastors and musicians from several area churches.

At 7pm, following the service, the community of believers will enjoy a pie contest and pie fellowship. First place receives a$50 gift card, second place a $40 gift card, and 3rd place a $30 gift card. Contact David Mathis, Minister of Worship at First Baptist Center, for more info, by calling 979-533-1575.

November 16, 2023 - Dr. Luke records a story for us in Luke 17 that occurred one day when Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem and was passing through Samaria and Galilee. Jesus was approached by ten lepers, miserable creatures afflicted with a horrific disease. They cried out to Jesus for mercy and He told them to go and show themselves to the priests. While they were on their way, they were cleansed. We are told that only one of the ten returned to Jesus to say “thank you.” Jesus asked the question, “were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God save this stranger.”

How much like those nine lepers are we? This is the season of the year that we refer to as the “Thanksgiving Season.” November 24th of next week is the day set aside on our calendar as “Thanksgiving Day.” Yet, how often do we really take the time to show our gratitude to God for all that He has done for us? Has “Thanksgiving Day” simply become a day when we gorge ourselves with copious amounts of food and watch football and spend time with family enjoying a day off from work? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have clothes to cover your nakedness? Do you have food to eat? Then how about we show our gratitude to God for what He has done for us, not just on one day a year, but let’s express our gratitude daily both in word and in deed. 

One way of showing our gratitude to God is to meet Him at His House regularly for Worship. I would encourage you to do that, not just at this season of the year but all the year through.

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at

I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.” John 12:46

November 13, 2023 - In the late forties, we moved to East Center (Texas) just two fences and a pasture from Mama, our Preacher/Grandmother Sister Oleatha Richards. Mama and Paw Paw lived next to The Pentecostal Church that she pastored. My brother Bill and I were eleven and nine years old and loved singing together. Mama asked us one day to sing in her church and we practiced on the only song we knew well, 'You Are My Sunshine.'

When we began our song that morning, Mama and the whole congregation looked shocked as we sang our song. Afterwards, she asked us to sing a 'church song' next time. A lot of people were signing that song in the forties. Louisiana Governor Jimmy Davis had written and recorded it in 1940 and it became his theme song.

In 1990 Pam and I moved back to East Texas where I became Pastor of The First Baptist Church of Shelbyville, Texas. Church member Joe Higginbottom asked us to go to Nacogdoches to hear Ex-Louisiana Governor Jimmy Davis sing. “He’s in his nineties and is still singing,” Joe said. When the 95-year-old singer was introduced that night, he walked slowly on the stage with the help of his young wife and began singing his theme-song, 'You Are My Sunshine.'

Jimmy did a much better job singing that night than Bill and I had in the forties, but the more I think about it, the more I believe the song could be both secular and spiritual… and Jimmy Davis thought so, too. After all, who brings light to our lives and “makes us happy all day long?”

All Christians know the answer.
