August 22, 2023 - Neuville Baptist Church will have their homecoming on Sunday the 27th of August. Service begins at 10:45am. Our new pastor Bro Steven Berry will bring the message. Meal to follow after the service in the fellowship hall.

August 21, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 21.

I'm focused this morning on the opening lines of famous books. When you begin to read a book it's a bit like meeting a new person - and you know what they say about first impressions. The author has just a few pages, a few paragraphs, maybe just a few lines to grab your attention, to draw you into their story. A strong opening line makes all the difference. Here's a few...

  • It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of reason, it was the age of foolishness. ~ Charles Dicken's "A Tale of Two Cities"
  • Call me Ishmael. ~ Herman Melville's "Moby Dick"
  • It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. ~ George Orwell's "1984"
  • It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. ~ Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice"
  • All children, except one, grow up. ~ J.M.Barrie's "Peter Pan"

Those are some great first lines from some great books. But they don't begin to hold a candle to this one...

  • In the beginning... God

Gets your attention, doesn't it? Hard to put it down after an opening line like that. A real page turner! But you don't have to start at the beginning of this book. You can pretty much open it anywhere and find an interesting story, a word of wisdom, a blessing. It has taken you about two minutes to read this little devotion. Why not take the next 20 minutes to read a good book... THE Good Book.

By the way - it ends pretty well, too.

He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Here's MY closing line...

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

August 17, 2023 - New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church in Timpson, Texas will have their annual homecoming on Sunday, August 20, 2023 at 1:30pm, Pastor Mario Osby, Smith Chapel Baptist Church in Timpson, Texas will bring the message.

There will also be a one night revival on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 7pm. Pastor Carlos Johnson, Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Timpson, Texas will bring the message.
Rev. Rayford Caraway, Pastor
Sis. Janice Garrett, Program Coordinator
Sis. Mary Criner, Announcing Clerk.

August 17, 2023 - Have you ever had some unexpected dinner guests appear at the last minute? That is what happens to Jesus and the disciples in Mark chapter 6. Herod had executed John the Baptist and Jesus and the disciple were doing their best to get to a secluded place to be alone. They were weary and tired from the teaching and healing being done. Their lives were busy and hectic and they needed a little time to relax.

Yet, it is on this occasion we find Jesus taking 5 loaves and 2 fish and feeding 5,000 men. But, I want us to notice the question Jesus asked them in Mark 6:38. He asked, “how many loaves have ye?”. It was as much as to say, “are your resources sufficient?”

Rest assured that Jesus was not asking for information. He also was not asking because he couldn’t feed the multitude without their loaves. What he was doing was trying to teach them and us a lesson. He wanted his disciples in that far off day and he wants us to know today that Jesus will bless others through us. He wanted those disciples to know they must be willing to use what they have. We also must be willing to use what we have.

You see, what we have must be given into His hands. We are to use our strength, our tongue and our heart. We are to use our material means. We are to be the earthen vessels in the service of Jesus. Jesus asks us today, “how many loaves have ye?” Are we using what we have, the talents He has given us, in His service?

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at

August 7, 2023 - Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Revival services will be August 16th - 18th starting at 7:30pm nightly. Speakers are Pastor Fredrick Fuller of the Desoto Fellowship Church, Kingston, LA on Wednesday; Pastor Johnny Jones of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Center, TX on Thursday, and Bishop Stanley Lawson of Unity Tabernacle, Longview Texas on Friday.

Bennett Chapel is located at 674 CR 2582 Shelbyville, TX – Bishop W.C. Martin, Pastor.

August 14, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 14.

This morning, the sound of school bells once again fills the air in Center, Texas. The first day of school is here. But I want to focus on what happened last night, something that is unique to life in a small town. Our church, and others, were invited to walk through our schools... to pray.

I grew up in Houston, and have spent most of my ministry life in metroplexes. What occurred last night, here in our small town, would have never happened in those big cities. When I came to Center, seven years ago, I was amazed at the level of access that local churches had to the school system, access to support, to encourage, to make a difference.

Most of the members of my church grew up here, and so they probably take this access for granted. But it continues to be a revelation to me. And so, last night, we walked the halls of our schools, halls that, this morning, are filled with children. We prayed for their safety. We prayed for their families. We prayed for their future.

What a blessing.
Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

August 10, 2023 - Paul wrote to the churches of Galatia and said, “And let us not be weary in well dong, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9)

Within all of us is a natural desire to be successful and we want to do it quickly. It is painful when repeated effort does not bring the results we desire. However, our impatience betrays a lack of faith in God. The farmer has more faith when he plants his see, trusting God will send rain and give the crop.

The tragedy is that even Christians who set their hope in God are sometimes the victims of impatience. When we are unable to convert the world, our city or even our closest neighbors, some want the Lord ot come and bring the world to an end. The Christians in Thessalonica believed the day of the Lord was just at hand. So they gave up their daily work and went about as pious busybodies. Paul wrote in II Thessalonians 3:11, “For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all but are busybodies.” Discipline was needed and Paul applied it. He would writ, “Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that with quietness they work and eat their own bread. But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.”

There are times when we will be weary. Let’s make sure our weariness comes as a result of working for the Lord and not from being a busybody.

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at

August 8, 2023 - First Baptist Church of Center, 117 Cora, will have an Honor Our Teachers ceremony during their 10:15 worship service this Sunday, August 13.  Teachers, counselors, coaches, administrators, aides, bus drivers - anyone who makes their living in the field of education - is warmly invited.  The church has a special gift ready for each teacher and will lift them up in prayer on the eve of a new school year.  For more information call David Mathis @ 979-533-1575.

First Baptist Center is also coordinating Prayer Walks at each of the Center school campuses this Sunday, August 13.  Any community member, and any church, is welcome to meet at 5:30pm in the First Baptist Chapel, 117 Cora.  Groups will quickly form and go out to each campus.  The Prayer Walkers will have inside access to each school.  Help us bathe our schools in prayer on the eve of a new school year.  For more information call David Mathis @ 979-533-1575.

August 8, 2023 - Open Mic Gospel Singing - Friday, August 25th, 2023 at Faith Alive Church, 1013 FM 1277, San Augustin, TX 75972, off 96 South 1/ 4 mi on left. Doors open at 5 pm., Singing starts at 6 pm. Finger foods & refreshments after singing. For more info call 936-201-2009.

August 7, 2023 - Bright Morning Star Baptist Church would like you to join them for their church homecoming located at 623 Martin Luther King Drive, Center, TX 75935 on Sunday August 13, 2023 at 2pm. Pastor Anthony Jackson and Reverend Desmond Johnson. Guest speaker and church is Steven Stanley, Pastor and East Liberty Baptist Church, Shelbyville, Texas. 

Revival is Monday through Wednesday with speaker Amos Horton, Pastor and Reed Chapel Baptist Church, San Augustine, TX.

Nightly services at 7pm. Dinner will be served.
