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+ Read the Bible Online (Link)
Contributing Writers: Mike Mills, Spring Hill Church | Doug Fincher | Pastor Randy and Sue Smith | Mike Belgard | Tim Perkins
+ Church Directory
+ Read the Bible Online (Link)
Contributing Writers: Mike Mills, Spring Hill Church | Doug Fincher | Pastor Randy and Sue Smith | Mike Belgard | Tim Perkins
August 19, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 19.
I love games. All kinds of games. Card games, board games, word games, puzzles, you name it! But in my twenties my favorite game was Trivial Pursuit. Maybe you've played it, too. It came out in 1981 and took the country by storm. Not as popular today, but I've still got one in my games closet and if you want to challenge me - just say the word!
It would be inappropriate and inaccurate to call the Word of God trivial. But, with respect, here are a few items that could be described as Bible trivia.
Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David
August 15, 2024 - The night that Jesus was betrayed, once the Roman soldiers seized Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, things started to happen in rapid succession. He was brought before Annas and then Caiphas and then to the Sanhedrin. He was sent to Pilate and Pilate sent Him to Herod and then Herod sent Him back to Pilate. Pilate told them he found no fault in Jesus. It was the custom that a prisoner would be released at the Passover and Pilate gave the people a choice of Jesus or Barabbas. Pilate thought this would be a no-brainer. After all Barabbas was a robber, a criminal, and yet, the people wanted Barabbas released.
So, then, Pilate asked the supreme question, “What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” (Matthew 27:22) That is a question that is still being asked by men and women in our world today. Pilate tried to wash the blood of Jesus from his hands, he is still trying to get them clean. You see, Pilate knew what the right thing to do was, but the right thing was not the politically expedient thing. So, we see the Roman governor without the courage to do what was right.
The question for us today is what will we do with Jesus? We can receive Him or reject Him. We can obey Him or disobey Him. We can openly confess our faith in Him or we can deny Him. We can live a life of obedience or a life of disobedience. What will you do with Jesus?
It’s something to think about... tbp
Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com
August 13, 2024 - Blount Chapel Baptist Church of Center and Pastor Byron Coutee, Jr. are hosting Family and Friends’ Day on Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 3pm.
Special Guest is Pastor Terrance Hicks with Power of the Word Ministries, Nacogdoches, Texas.
A friend liveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. ~ Proverbs 17:17
August 12, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 12
School starts back tomorrow here in Center, Texas. Children and teenagers are making all those last-minute preparations for the big day. But teachers have been preparing for weeks. And yesterday, at First Baptist Center, we took a moment to recognize, encourage, and pray for our educators. It was our honor to honor them. As school bells are about to ring, here's some thoughts about teachers.
*It takes a big heart to shape little minds.
*Teaching is the profession that creates all the other professions.
*A teacher's influence cannot be erased.
*Anyone who helps a child is a hero to me. Mr. Rogers
*Teachers change the world, one child at a time.
*A teacher is like a candle, that consumes itself to light the way.
*I touch the future. I'm a teacher. Christa McAuliff
Matthew 7:28 - When Jesus had finished these words, the crowd was amazed at his teaching.
God bless teachers.
Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David
August 9, 2024 - A Call To Help Ministries to host community feeding Saturday, August 10th from 12 noon to 2pm at 516 Shelbyville Street in Center. You must call to get name placed on the list by Friday, August 9th by 5pm. Call 936-427-2255.
August 8, 2024 - There are very few who are unaware that Pentecost was the birthday of the New Testament Church. However, there never would have been Pentecost with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit like the Apostles had if the upper room had been like the habits of so many in our day and time. If the attitude of the upper room had been like today, then the New Testament record might have read like this:
“The meeting was called for the first day of the week; but so many things interfered that of the company of 120 only 40 were able to be in attendance. Peter and his wife had bought a cottage on Lake Galilee and were away from the hot city over the weekend. Bartholomew had guests and of course could not come. Philip and his family had been up late the night before and overslept. Andrew had a business conference about a new fishing boat. James had to stay home and cut the grass.”
All of that raises a question does it not? If the church would never have been born under those circumstances, then how can it possibly survive, much less grow under those circumstances?
That’s why people need to be part of the local church and involved n the work of the local church. We need to contribute a sense of vitality to the church. Until we do, the world will continue to heckle our “faith” as a popular indoor sport. How much responsibility do you feel toward the local church?
It’s something to think about... tbp
Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com
August 7, 2024 - Neuville Baptist Church will celebrate its annual homecoming service on August 25, 2024. We will have regular Sunday School at 10am with Worship Service starting at 10:50am. We will have dinner on the grounds at 12:30pm and ask that you bring your favorite covered dish and enjoy a meal with us.
Starting at 2pm we will have an old fashioned singing. We ask that all former Shelby County Singers attend and any other groups as well. Bring your favorite songs and come spend the afternoon with us!
“I am the light of the world…” John 8:12
August 5, 2024 - When I bought my first “good camera” in 1975, I soon saw I’d have to learn some things to use it. When I asked Photographer Ron Newton what book I should read to get started, I was a bit puzzled when he said, “Get a good book on ‘Light.’” Figuring a book like that would only slow me down, I ignored his suggestion and it was a decision I would live to regret.
The word “photography” comes from two Greek words: “Photos” (light), and “grapho” (to write) so it’s literal meaning is “to write with light.” Light comes through the lens, and is transferred past a reflex mirror to the film. When the light hits the layers of silver halide crystals on the film, an image is formed. Knowing how to use light is what photography is all about.
When I was converted to Christ in 1948, Evangelist Bob Jacobs handed me a Bible and told me to start reading it. It was God’s Book on Light. I eagerly read it for a while but later started depending on the preachers to explain the Book instead of reading it for myself. I was slow to realize that learning about the Light of the World is what Christianity is all about.
A lot of us live dull, colorless lives even though we attend church and walk upright. And a library full of devotional books on “How-to Live The Christian Life” can never teach us what we need most to know.
That will only come from reading God’s Book on Light...
August 5, 2024 - Abundant Love Ministries is hosting their annual Back to School Revival, August 8th - 11th. The dynamic Pastor John Russell, Senior Pastor of Calvary Tabernacle, Alexandria, LA, is our guest Revivalist.
Everyone is welcome and invited, Thursday and Friday nights at 7pm nightly, Saturday morning at 11am, and Sunday morning at our regular 10am services.
Abundant Love Ministries is shepherded by Pastor Marlin Cloudy Sr., and is located at 1426 Shelbyville Street, Center, TX 75935.
August 5, 2024 - New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church is hosting it’s Annual Homecoming on Sunday, August 18, 2024 at 1:30 PM. Guest Speaker is Rev. Mario Osby, Pastor of the Smith Chapel Baptist Church, Timpson, Texas. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
Following the Homecoming, the church is hosting a One-night revival on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 7:30pm. Guest Speaker is Rev. Amos L. Horton, Pastor of the Reed Chapel Baptist Church, San Augustine, Texas 75972. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
Sis. Janice Garrett, Program Coordinator
Sis. Mary Criner, Church Clerk
Rev. Rayford Caraway, Pastor
The church is located at 8033 FM 2026, Timpson, Texas 75935 and mailing address is P.O. Box 417, Timpson.