July 25, 2016 - Sunday was the 10th Sunday after Pentecost.  The Gospel Lesson for this Sunday was Luke 11: 1-13.  After Jesus had gone to a quiet place to pray, his disciples wanted Jesus to teach them to pray.  The prayer Jesus teaches them is what we call the Lord’s Prayer.  It is a very simple prayer that has become part of most Christian churches’ worship services.  The request for the Lord to teach them to pray may seem an odd one.  All of them had been taught as children how to pray the Shema, which was to be prayed three times a day.  They certainly were taught the various prayers for the many high holy days of the Jewish faith.  It was how Jesus prayed that intrigued the disciples, and they wanted to be able to have that connection to the Divine that Jesus obviously had.  My sermon next week will be on the same Gospel Lesson and will look at the various petitions in the prayer and how the Luke Gospel’s Lord’s Prayer differs from the Matthew Gospel version.

Our Sunday school lesson continued Paul’s letter to the Romans.  This letter was certainly thought to be crucial to Protestant reformers like Martin Luther and later John Wesley.  In the first verse of Chapter 5, Paul says it is by Jesus’ trust in God that we are made one with God.  Through Jesus’ faith, we have peace with God.  Our lesson focused in on the word “hope” and how important hope is in one’s faith story.  Troubles are real—sometimes too real and overwhelming.  But the answer to trouble is hope.  Joe selected hymns from the Cokesbury Hymnal.  The first one I didn’t really know but it was a wonderful, musical song; we sang all five verses sounded pretty good!  We always appreciate Hilda coming to worship with us at Paxton after having played the piano at Tenaha Methodist’s worship service—I guess we owe her overtime! 

Last week several volunteers went to Holiday Nursing Center for songs, stories, and fellowship.  It really seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves.  Sue read a Dr. Seuss story and Nora sang a patriotic song, a song about peace, and then her own version of “Take Me Home, Country Road.”  Pastor Matt shared with the group about his plans for the coming week which includes a family get- together in Austin.  One could tell that he was really looking forward to this special family time and also a break from all his studies.  This coming Thursday we will head to Lakeside Assisted Living Center for our monthly ministry.  Our program will begin at 2:00.  We certainly missed Sylvia at Holiday and hope she is feeling better soon.
Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here.” Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds.” Sunday School starts at 9:30 and Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist you can send me your email address to the Paxton email address and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed!

July 25, 2016 - Gates Chapel Baptist Church of Shelbyville will host Homecoming services Sunday, August 7th at 3 pm. Rev Curtis Archie of the East Liberty Baptist Church will bring the message. 

Also, Revival services Monday thru Friday August 8 - 12 at 7:30 nightly. Rev. Timothy Teel of the Bell Chapel Baptist Church of San Augustine, TX will be the evangelist. Everyone is invited to attend says Pastor Frankie Cooper. 

July 25, 2016 - "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 2 Timothy 4:2
A young preacher going to his first pastorate met with the Deacon Chairman to discuss his Pastoral duties.  "You can't preach on tithing," the deacon began…"cause we don't believe in it."…"and you can't preach on lying or stealing because there's s lot of thieves and liars in the church". "And don't preach on gossip or drinking…well you get the point."  The bewildered young preacher gasped, "Then what can I preach on?"  "Preach on the Jews!" he answered.  "There aint one within a hundred miles of here!"

That story is funny… and sad.  When a deacon once told me not to preach on abortion, I asked him why.  "Because someone in the congregation might have had one ", he bellowed.  I told him that I always preached God's forgiveness for any and all sins and that it's no harder for God to forgive a person for an abortion than to forgive them for stealing s pencil.  Aborting a baby can be forgiven like any other sin.

The answer to the young preacher's question is an easy one.  Preach the Word…all of it… always with love…even when it makes some folks unhappy.  A new convert will be so happy to have his sins forgiven that he'll thank the preacher for preaching the truth.

As Billy Sunday used to say, "If you skin your congregation…but do it with love…. they'll go to the tannery with you to get the hide."

July 25, 2016 - So many people are asking or lamenting; "what can I do to save America, I am only one person". It is true, we are all "only one person" but together we are a "bunch of persons".

I don't know what all people can do but I do know what all Christians can do, the Bible tells us not only what we can do , must what we must do if America is to be saved from God's wrath and destruction.

Every Christian knows of the Bible verse; (2 Chronicles 7:14) I suspect most can quote it from memory, but I wonder how many really understand what it says and why it says this: "If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chron. 7:14)

God sent this message to King Solomon in a dream one night after Solomon had been praying for God to accept the temple that Solomon had built for Him in Jerusalem. 

As the old radio show went; now, let us hear the "rest of the story". 

God indeed told Solomon that He would not only accept and use the temple that Solomon had built, but even if the Israelite people disobeyed God to the point that He caused all sorts of plaques, droughts and famines to befall them, He would give them a way out of His wrath and back into His grace. 

That route back to grace is the scripture (2 Chronicles 7:14).

For a better understanding of just what God demands as repentance for our disobedience let's take another look at the scripture. 

Let us say it in this way; "if My people who are called by My name (Christians, those known as followers of Christ) will humble themselves (submit to God's will and not our own) and pray and seek My face, and turn From their wicked ways, THEN will I hear them from heaven, I will forgive their sins, and I will heal their land."  

You see it's not up to Congress or any politician, no, it's totally up to the Christians of America to save her. 

God hears all prayers but He heeds only the prayers of His children, those called by His name, we must do as He has commanded in His scripture if America is to be saved and returned to His grace and mercy.

So what did we just learn? 

That no matter how vile and disobedient we may become, there is still hope, still forgiveness for our sins. God assured Solomon of this when He gave His acceptance of the temple and that assurance still stands today. 

It is totally up to us to receive relief from the pains of sin that we are now suffering as a nation. Christians must pray, pray without ceasing as Paul directs us, pray for forgiveness and for strength to repent and refrain from our wicked ways, no other road will lead to forgiveness and healing for our country.

So there it is Christians, the ball is in our court, will you choose to play or will you choose to forfeit, God and Satan both listen for your answers. I pray for each of us American Christians to pray daily for forgiveness for ourselves and for our country, in time, if we do so, God will forgive and heal... 

May God bless you and keep you each day.

July 22, 2016 - Dreka United Pentecostal Church will be hosting a Children's Revival and would like to invite the community to come. Kid's Evangelist Dan and Sarah Summers will be speaking. Revival will be hosted July 29th through July 31st. July 29th will start at 7PM and will include Kid's Service, games and songs, and puppets. July 30th will be from 6 to 8 PM and will include bounce house, food and games and prizes. July 31st will start at 10AM and will include Kid's Service, games and songs, and puppets. Dreka Pentecostal Church is located at 1193 FM 2427. 

July 21, 2016 - We, the Pastor and members of Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church, would like to invite you to our Homecoming and Revival. 

Homecoming: July 24th, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.
Evangelist: Pastor Edwin Scott 
Hollywood Baptist Church, Shreveport, LA

Revival: July 25th-29th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m nightly
Evangelist: Arthur Douglas Jr.
Evergreen Baptist Church, Shreveport, LA

We look forward to seeing you and your congregation for a glorious time in the Lord!

July 21, 2016 - It's a Holy Ghost Celebration! Strong Triumph Church would like to invite everyone to join them as they celebrate 2 years of triumphant leadership under Brother Adrian and Elder Faye Dell Allen. Bro. and Elder Allen will be honored in an appreciation service on Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 7 p.m. For more information, please contact Sis. Sylvia Hubbard at 936-332-3103. 

July 19, 2016 - House of Refuge Apostolic Ministries will like to invite everyone to come to their Family & Friends Day Service on Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 3pm. Guest speaker is Pastor Carlos Johnson and the Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Timpson, Texas. Dinner will be served.

House of Refuge Apostolic Ministries is located at 215 Church Street, Center, Texas 75935.

July 19, 2016 - Sin originated with Satan, with the first 2 humans God created. 

Satan wasted no time in starting to work his lies and deceptions on the human race.

He has few weapons but those he has he uses for the utmost in effectiveness. 

A serpent as he used in the Garden of Eden, an angel of light, a roaming lion seeking who he can devour. Lies, deceit and deception are his only means of stealing humans away from the Lord, but, he is an expert in each and without sufficient knowledge of God's Word, all shall perish.

Paul tells us in (Ephesians 6:11) "put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." This whole armor is the Bible, whole knowledge of the Word of God.

As we look at our scriptures for today we see some of the weapons of the devil as he works to tempt Eve and eventually Adam.
Doubt - (Genesis 3:1) "Has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden." God told them not to eat of the tree in the center of the garden, the tree of knowledge, Satan attempts to cast doubt in Eve's mind as to what God said.

Lies & Deception - (Genesis 3:4) "you will surely not die." No, they did not die physically, but they certainly died spiritually that very day, and were cast out of the garden, cursed forever and doomed to hell unless they eventually repented.

Half-truths - (Genesis 3:5) "for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Yes, their eyes were indeed opened, they realized that they were naked for the first time. Yes, they did understand good and evil. No, they were not made, "like God".

Sin entered into the world by one man, Adam, and death came because of this first sin. God killed some animal and made animal-skin clothes for them to hide their nakedness. This was the first sacrifice for the lost, the first act pointing to Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for the sins of all men.

Adam and Eve lost it all by that one sinful act, they lost their walks with the Lord in the cool of the evenings when He would come and walk with them in the garden. They lost their innocence and knew shame. By their act of sin they condemned all men to death and insured that Jesus would someday have to sacrifice His own life for our sins so that all men would have a chance at salvation and eternal life with the Lord.

All this for one piece of fruit. All this due to an act of deception by Satan. He hasn't eased his workload one bit in all these years. He is still walking to and fro seeking whom he can devour. Please put on the whole armor of God so he can't deceive you, amen...

You are welcome to join us for Bible study on Wednesday evenings at 6:00PM. For more info call; 936-615-1427. May God bless and keep you each day...

July 19, 2016 - Sunday was the 9th Sunday after Pentecost.  Our Sunday school lesson came from Romans 3: 21-31.  Paul is still dealing with divisions among the Jesus followers.  Paul tells both Jewish and Gentile followers that there is no distinction between them.  I guess the only distinction is that everyone has fallen short and all sin.  That is nothing to brag about.  Paul’s religious learning came from the Jewish Testament (what we Christians call the Old Testament), so he certainly believes in restoration and hope as expressed by the prophets. 

We had a good crowd for Sunday school and church.  Of course when I say we had a good crowd, I’m speaking relatively.  Cherie (Joy and Gene’s daughter) and husband Robert were up for a weekend visit.  It was so nice to have them.  Joe and Hilda selected “Hymn of Promise,” one of my favorites.  Our other hymn was Fannie J. Crosby’s lively “To God Be the Glory,” which we can really belt out!

This month we are collecting soap and shampoo for Community Christian Services.  This Tuesday we have our ministry at Holiday at 2:00.  Our Lakeside ministry will be a week from this Thursday at 2:00.  I received an email from Rev. Jones at FUMC Center to announce that the area wide Charge Conference will be September 22nd which is a Thursday. 

The East District of the Methodist Church has a new leader—Tony Vinson.  The Texas Conference of the Methodist Church has a new bishop—Scott Jones.  We will certainly miss our outgoing District Superintendent, Chuck Huffman and our bishop, Bishop Huey.  Both are such caring, strong stewards and a pleasure for us to have been associated with.
Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here.” Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds.” Sunday School starts at 9:30 and Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist you can send me your email address to the Paxton email address and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed
