February 15, 2016 - We have recorded for us a great example of a young man that went against the crowd, and it worked out to his benefit. As the Jews went off into captivity a young man named Daniel had decided to take a stand.

We read, “5 And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king. ... 8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself” (Dan. 1:5,8).

Here we have a young man that has been taken by force away from his home. He is in a land with a foreign language. He has people of authority over him to do him harm if they wish. But in all these he decides that his standing before God is more important than giving into his immediate surroundings. Daniel was only one of a number of “youths” (Dan. 1:3-4). But he did not go along with the other young people of his day, he did not conform to his surroundings. And as a result the Lord blessed him (Dan. 1:9), and he was better off than the other youths from Jerusalem (Dan. 1:15).

Being different and going against the crowd or the masses (for the right things) always works out. As Solomon writes, “For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil” (Pr. 1:32-33).

You see Daniel was not concerned with what his buddies thought nor was he fearful of the authorities in a foreign land. By Daniel going against the masses it worked out in his benefit. But he did not do so sarcasticly, for it is written, “...therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself” (Dan. 1:8).

Daniel is like the blind man of John 9. The man of John 9 was born blind and then Jesus healed him. But when he was faced with pressure from the authorities he said, “The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes. 31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth. 32 Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind. 33 If this man were not of God, he could do nothing. 34 They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out” (Jn. 9:30-34).

Here we have two great examples of going against the crowd for what was right. Daniel in a foreign land and a man that had been healed with nothing fall back on except Jesus.

Church email: northsidecoccenter@gmail.com

If you would like to receive our weekly bulletin, just send us an email with your request and we will gladly put you on the list!

February 16, 2016 - I visited my crop-duster friend Wayne Smith in Edgerly, La. last week.  I first saw Wayne back in the 80’s when he flew his Ag-Cat Crop-duster over a field where I was photographing birds.  He was flying low enough for me to see the cigar in his mouth.

From that day when I heard his plane, I’d follow him in my pickup and photograph him as he sprayed insecticide over the rice fields. I was watching him spray Phil Rauser’s rice field one day when the body movements of his flagman down the field caught my eye.

As the young man moved closer to me, he’d wave his hands in the air while waiting for the plane’s next pass. When he got close enough for us to talk, I asked, “Why are you waving your hands?...is something  wrong?” “Aw, naw, there aint nothing wrong”, he smiled.  “I just been catching skeeter hawks”.

Some folks believe that only a lunatic would think of catching a dragon fly. To the contrary, its people who won’t do the useless things that have the mental problems. Lunatics are always serious…they don’t do “useless” things.  But they’d likely get on the road to sanity if they’d just relax…get careless…
….and catch some “skeeter hawks”.

February 15, 2016 - Sunday, St. Valentine’s Day, was the First Sunday in Lent.  A 40-day period of prayer and reflection leading up to Easter, Lent is celebrated by most Christians around the world.  The Sundays in Lent are not actually part of Lent but are seen as “little Easters.”  

My scripture came from the first book of the Ancient Hebrews—Genesis 1: 26-31.  During Lent we are reminded that our creator is still about creating.  As the hands, feet, eyes, and ears of the Christ, we are to be a church that is open, loving, and caring regardless of size, and we are to be about grace and forgiveness.  These must always be the cornerstones of our faith.

What a beautiful week we have had!  The weatherman said last night that we might get some rain and that we need it.  I guess he was right, but having sunshine and springtime temperatures sure calls us to go outdoors and enjoy the day.  I have many raised beds in my yard, needing me to weed and clean up—what fun!

Fannie’s Sunday school lesson was based on Leviticus 23: 15-22.  The scripture outlines worship during the Festival of Weeks, also called Pentecost.  Even though the practices certainly have changed, the need for worship—for praising God and for renewal—remains the same today.

It was great to have everyone this morning—we were in double digits!  Before worship is time for all of us to visit, and we at Paxton are a very sociable people!   Mrs. Hilda was back today, making our singing sound much better, and Joe picked some well-known songs.  “This Is My Father’s World” has such nice lyrics about enjoying all God has given us.

This Tuesday, February 16th is our ministry to Holiday Nursing Center.  On Thursday February 24th at 2:00 will be our ministry at Lakeside Assisted Living.  We welcome anyone who wants to join us to bring songs, stories, and prayer to the residents.

“Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here.” Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds.” Sunday School starts at 9:15 and Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com.

If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist you can send me your email address to the Paxton email address and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed!

February 10, 2016 - Open Door Baptist Worship Center invites you to the 16th Church Anniversary Service on February 28th at 3:00pm. We are located at 900 Cotton Ford Road Center, Texas 75935. Guest Speaker will be Pastor Jeremy Moore & Friendship Baptist Church.

February 9, 2016 - Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church will be hosting the Harper Family on Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 5pm. Please come and join us for some good Gospel Bluegrass Music. You will receive a blessing. God Bless All! Bethlehem MBC is lcoated at 13127 Hwy 7 East, Joaquin, Texas 75954.

For more information about the Harper Family, visit them online at www.HarperFamilyMusic.com

February 9, 2016 - St. Therese Catholic Church announces Ash Wednesday schedule.

February 10:
7am - St. Therese, Center, Ashes only
9am - St. Mary of Epiphany, Timpson, English Mass and Ashes
6pm - St. Mary of Tpiphany, Timpson, Spanish Mass and Ashes
8pm - St. Therese, Center, Bilingual Mass and Ashes

The sacrament of reconciliation will be held on Thursday, February 11th at 6pm at St. Therese in Center. Several priests will hear your confessions. Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of this God given sacrament.

For any questions, please contact Jennifer Wulf at 936-598-6333.

February 9, 2016 - The monthly Community Men's Breakfast will be held Saturday, February 13th, at 8am at Joaquin United Methodist Church. This is a great opportunity for the men in Joaquin and the surrounding area to fellowship with one another.

Evangelist George ParsleyFebruary 8, 2016 - People have a whole host of ideas today as to why people should be baptized. For example some teach that baptism is necessary in order to enter some denominations. Others teach that little children need to be baptized to save them from their sins. And yet others say that one needs to be baptized to show that they are saved.

But the question remains, why were people baptized in the New Testament? When we go to our New Testaments we find a stark contrast between the teachings of men and the truth of God. 

Notice this at Jesus' baptism, “Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? 15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him” (Matt. 3:13-15). Notice three important things in this text; 1) Jesus came to be baptized. 2) John expressed his need to be baptized. 3) Jesus said it fulfilled all righteousness. Can we gather out of this text that baptism was optional or a secondary thing?

Also consider something else the New Testament says about baptism. “And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John. 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him” (Lk. 7:29-30). You see baptism is the counsel of God and when we reject baptism then we are rejecting the counsel of God.

But the question still remains, why were people baptized in the New Testament? Well, the New Testament says:
1. To be saved (Mk. 16:16).
2. To be born again (Jn. 3:3-5).
3. For the remission of sins (Ac. 2:38).
4. To wash away sins (Ac. 22:16).
5. To justify God (Lk. 7:29).
6. To be spiritually circumcised by faith (Col. 2:11-13).
7. To crucify the old man and have a new life (Rm. 6:3-6).
8. To put on Christ (Gal. 3:27).

These reasons are right from the Bible which makes them the truth. No one was baptized because they were saved but to be saved. No one was baptized because they had a new life but in order to get a new life. No one was baptized because they were washed from sin but to be washed from sin. No one was baptized because they already had Christ but in order to get Christ. No one was baptized because they had crucified the old man but in order to crucify the old man.

Church email: northsidecoccenter@gmail.com

If you would like to receive our weekly bulletin via email, simply email us your request and we will gladly put you on the list!

Judges 16: 28, “Oh, God, strengthen me…please…
February 8, 2016 - My brother John has a 73 year elderly Mexican National helping him at his chicken farm at Huxley, Texas.  Since Juan can’t speak English, he phones John when there’s a problem at the farm and simply says, “Please”.  That’s my brother’s way of knowing he’s needed and within a few minutes, he drives the three mile trip to the farm.  

My parents often reminded us ten children to use this word.  When leaving the dinner table, we were to say, “May I be excused, please”.  If we wanted another biscuit, we asked, “Pass the biscuits, please”.   It would’ve been as foolish for us to omit “please” as it would be to answer them with “yeah” or “naw”.

Many of the younger generation were never taught the magic of this word. The reason is simple: “Please” is akin to humility, gentleness and calmness, (Webster), virtues they were never taught to appreciate.

Juan gets John’s help the same way I got it from Mother and Daddy.  And I’ve learned from experience and the Word that the Lord helps his children, too, when they humbly pray, “Please, dear Father…..please...”  

February 8, 2016 - Carroll Chapel CME Church in Shelbyville, will be having their annual Black History Program on February 21st at 3:00 PM. Guest speaker will be Rev. Alvin Brinson of the East Hamilton Baptist Church in Shelbyville. Everyone is invited to come out and help us celebrate this glorious occasion. 
