January 4, 2015 - Sunday was Epiphany Sunday. Happy New Year wishes to everyone.  I really don’t know what happen to 2015 it went by far too quick!  In fact every year since 1999 seems to just fly by.  Today is the Sunday that we remember the wise men who came to Bethlehem to see the new king.  To find this story we must read from the Matthew Gospel as it is the only one that mentions wise men.  Tradition says there were three wise men but actually Matthew doesn’t tell us.  I guess it could be thirty.  The light draws them to Jesus and the dawning of a new age—the Kingdom that will be central to Jesus’ teachings some thirty years later.

Joy and Gene’s kids, their spouses and grandson Austin were up from Houston to celebrate the New Year.  It is always great to see them.  Austin spoke the Lord’s Prayer perfectly and so clearly—pretty impressive.  We don’t often have school age kids but I looked and found a red bucket with a bulletin to color, colors, a little game, and a puzzle book.  Fannie had a good lesson taken from Genesis.  So many things from these old texts confuse and bother us modern folks.  But you can always pull from the words a valuable spiritual lesson.  Joe and Hilda brought us our music this morning and we sang two Fannie Crosby songs.   

We have three birthdays coming up.  We send out Happy Birthday wishes to Bill Thompson, Jake Watson, and Steven Joe Watson.  In January we will be collecting cans of tuna for area food pantries.  We have three ministry opportunities this month.  On Monday, January 4, we will visit Green Acres starting at 2:00.  On Tuesday, January 19 at 2:00, we will visit Holiday .  On Thursday January 28th we will visit Lakeside Assisted Living.  All are welcome to join us.

In fine Methodist fashion, pastors have been working on and putting together “end of year” reports.  No matter how big or small, Methodist churches answer pages and pages of questions.  I had really good help from Gene who keeps the church’s financial records.  Not too many years ago, all pastors went to the District Office on “Report Day” and the records were audited.  Today, all that information is done with computers.

“Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here.” Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds.” Sunday School starts at 9:15 and Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist you can send me your email address to the Paxton email address and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed!

Randall Smith, Pastor

December 31, 2015 - Pastor Marlin Cloudy Sr., lead Abundant Love Ministries and members of the community, on a Prayer Walk, on Christmas morning. The walk began with singing and prayers at the site of the building, and former night club, known as the "Drippet." Pastor Marlin had a brother who lost his life on these grounds over 30 years ago.

The walk stopped at the building, known in the community as Buckleys, and at the "four way," with prayers in both stops. The group turned and ended the walk back at the Drippet, with congregational hymns being sang and ending with testimonials and a Prayer.

The message in the Prayer Walk was "Where one life was lost, many will be gained."

Abundant Love Ministries is located at 1246 Shelbyville Street, Center,TX. Sunday services begin at 12pm, with Sunday School at 10:30am. Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 7pm. You are always invited and welcome.

December 30, 2015 - Shelbyville United Methodist Church is beginning it's 191st year of ministry in Shelby County. You are invited to join us as we begin this new year with an exciting look at the history of ministry through this church and how/where God is still working through us today.

Sunday Worship:
9:00am Short United Methodist Church
11:00am Shelbyville United Methodist Church (also live streamed)

“Gifts, Strengths, & Mission: God Working Through Us"
NEW worship series January 3—February 7, 2016

How is God gifting us and working through us to make real change in the world? What are your God-given strengths, gifts, and passions for missions? This 6 week series will help us discern how God is working in and through our lives. We are invited to dream about God’s vision for our lives, our church and our community.

  Jan 3: “Who You Are”
  Jan 10: “Discover Your Gifts, Strengths, Talents”
  Jan 17: “Vision the Mission”
  Jan 24: “Understanding Gifts & Strengths”
  Jan 31: “Living into Gifts”
  Feb 7: “The Mission”

In Christ,
Rev. Ryan Stratton
Shelbyville & Short UMCs

December 30, 2015 - Pastor Marlin Cloudy and Abundant Love Ministries will host “Watch Night” services, Thursday, December 31st, beginning at 10’oclock pm. You are both welcome and invited.

Regular Wednesday night service for this week is cancelled.

December 30, 2015 - House of Refuge Apostolic Ministries at 215 Church St. will hold a Watch Night Service at 10:00 on Thursday, December 31st. The Watch Night Service will be held by Apostle W. E. Nash Jr. Pastor. Everyone is invited to attend, hot soup will be served.

December 29, 2015 - Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ, Hwy 87 South, Shelbyville is hosting a Shepherd and Wife's Appreciation for Elder Archie and Sharon Thompson.

Once again the time has come for us to honor our Shepherd and Wife and will be celebrating on January 9th and 10th, 2016!. Musical honoring our Shepherd and Wife will be on January 9th at 6pm. Appreciation service will be January 10th at 2:30pm. Speaker to be announced. Come and join in lifting up the Name of God. For more information, please call Feleshia Thompson at (936)590-4561.

December 28, 2015 - Bennet Chapel M.B.C. family will be celebrating their Annual New Year Watch Night Service on December 31st, at 9pm. Service will be held at Bennet Chapel Church with Bishop C. Martin, pastor.

Special guests will be Joe Lewis and the Southern Wonders. The Anointed Voices along with other musical guests.

We're asking all that can and will to come out and join us in celebrating Jesus as we bring the new year in.

Doug FincherDecember 28, 2015 - “You meet people who forget you. You forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet those people you can't forget. Those are your 'friends.'”

Walter was my roommate during my first two years at East Texas Baptist University in the early fifties. Our friendship grew from attending classes together to cutting classes together to fish in Marshall’s Scout Lake. We were always the first ones to swim in the Lake’s icy water at the beginning of spring. Walter and I hitchhiked to Springfield, Missouri one year…left with seven dollars between us …ate grapes and apples from roadside farms along the way. On our way back home we wound up a few miles out of Mena, Arkansas… broke and hungry. As we stood waiting for a ride, an elderly man walked down from a nearby house and said, “Boys, God told me to give this to you” and handed us each a silver dollar. He couldn’t have known how hungry we were…or how deeply we appreciated his help…or how good the hot dogs were a few minutes later.

While visiting with me at my first pastorate in Patroon, Texas, Walter met and later married one of our sweetest teenagers, Jane Runnels. A few months after performing their marriage ceremony, I entered the Army and lost touch with them. From time to time I got information from Jane’s Mother and Dad who still lived in Patroon but it was never convenient to go visit them. As the years passed by, I was Pastor of churches in Oregon, Ft. Worth, Amarillo and Louisiana….and during those years I promised myself many times that I’d locate Walter and his family.

The year reached 2009...and yesterday I suddenly realized over fifty years had passed since I had seen my friend. So I quickly made a resolution to find him …regardless of what it took. I started by searching through my Book of ETBU Alumni. After that failed, I typed “Walter Bishop” into the White Pages in my computer and could hardly believe my eyes when I found the listing: Walter Bishop, 6410 Highway #90, Madisonville, Texas. It also listed his zip code and telephone number.

Reaching for the phone, I hurriedly dialed the number and after few rings, I heard a familiar “Hello” ….and even after all these years, I knew the voice was Jane’s. I hastily asked her a series of questions and then asked, “How’s Walter?” A noticeably long silence followed before she replied: “Douglas, Walter crossed the Jordan ten months ago.” “I found him dead in his bed”.

A deep sense of remorse gripped my heart as I realized my many plans to see my friend had come to an end. “Jane, I’m so sorry”. “He was one of my dearest friends but I’ll never see him again until I cross the Jordan, too…” That’s right”, she said.

“None of us will”.

December 28, 2015 - Smyrna Baptist Church of Huxley announces revival services start Sunday, January 10th at 10:30am and 6pm. The revival will continue Monday through Wednesday, January 11, 12, and 13th at 6:30pm nightly. Guest Speaker is Evangelist Lyndon Longoria of DeRidder, Louisiana. Special music guest is Kerry Longoria - Shoutin' Ground.

Bro. Lyndon is currently a member of the Faith Baptist Church in Port Neches, Texas. He has served as a full-time vocational evangelist and president of Strength for Today Ministries for the past 16 years. Among his accomplishments, he has served on the Executive Board of the Louisiana Baptist Convention, been a conference speaker at the Louisiana Baptist Convention Pastor's Conferences and a three time speaker at the Louisiana Baptist Evangelism Conference. He has also been elected president of the Louisiana Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists three times.

Him and his wife, Kerry Longoria, have 7 children and 8 grandchildren. He was a pastor for 22 years before becoming a full-time evangelist.

December 28, 2015 - Sunday was the First Sunday after Christmas. Traditionally this Sunday is about the childhood and family of Jesus. There are only three episodes dealing with the childhood of Jesus: His parents presented him as an infant at the Temple ; the wise men came to see this Jesus; the third is the one that serves as today’s Gospel. Jesus is around twelve or thirteen, making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem with his family. I sure wish there was more about the young Jesus. Some historians have studied about life in rural Palestine during the time Jesus lived, trying to piece together a likely scenario of what Jesus’ life would have been like. I really enjoy reading these “biographies” but also realize most is just conjecture. In these stories, though, we see hope and also a parent’s loving care.

Fannie had a real good lesson at Sunday School. The lesson came from Matthew and Mark and dealt with many issues in Jesus’ day. The hero for the lessons was an unnamed widow who gave two small copper coins at the Temple . Jesus was very critical of those who operated the Temple and those with so much who wanted to be recognized for all that they did. Jesus reminds us that in his Kingdom the low will be lifted up and those with so much will be brought low.

We had a great crowd Sunday. One must realize that the word “crowd” means different things for different churches. We were in double digits, always a pleasure at Paxton. It is so wonderful to have an infant that comes regularly with her mom. We love Evie and Liz. Evie is so alert, taking in what is going on. And so cute besides!

I hope that everyone’s Christmas was blessed. In talking to folks Sunday morning, it seems that they all had a nice Christmas. We made a trip to Monroe to see Sue’s aunt and uncle. Sue’s mom went with us and had a good time reminiscing with her brother and sister-in-law. Our two kids came in Christmas Eve, and we had a really nice couple of days. It is one of the very few times that we have had Christmas in Joaquin. When our kids were young, we bundled everyone and everything in the car and went to one of the grandparents’ homes. This year, then, was lower-key and peaceful.

We have three birthdays coming up. We send out Happy Birthday wishes to Bill Thompson, Jake Watson, and Steven Joe Watson. In January we will be collecting cans of tuna for area food pantries. We have three ministry opportunities this month. On Monday, January 4, we will visit Green Acres starting at 2:00. On Tuesday, January 19 at 2:00, we will visit Holiday . On Thursday January 28th we will visit Lakeside Assisted Living. All are welcome to join us.

“Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here.” Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds.” Sunday School starts at 9:15 and Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist you can send me your email address to the Paxton email address and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed!
