July 10, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, July 10.

Yesterday, at First Baptist Center, we featured our pipe organ in the worship service. It had been silent for a year. Our beloved organist is no longer physically able to join us. We miss her. And we've missed the organ.

The Old Testament (at least in the King James Version) mentions organs several times. But, at that time in history, the instrument, as we know it today, did not exist. The reference is most probably to a flute. The prototype for the modern organ appeared in the 700's, the pipes fed by human-powered bellows. By the 1700's, the instrument looked, and sounded, pretty much as it does now, and was the single most complex machine of its time.

The largest organ in the world is in, of all places, Atlantic City, New Jersey. It has over 33,000 pipes. The largest is 64 feet long, the smallest barely an inch. This monster hasn't been fully operational since the 1940's. A 16-million-dollar renovation project is currently underway, a reminder that an organ is expensive to build and expensive to maintain.

Our church is blessed to have our pipe organ. I hope you've been blessed to have the opportunity to hear one. It is a unique experience. The sound, literally, gets inside of you. It has the power to inspire. And, in a place of praise, in a cathedral of worship, it has the power to lift our spirits . . . to God.

Psalm 150 - "Praise Him with stringed instruments and organs . . . Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord!"

Meet you back here tomorrow,

Bro. David

July 06, 2023 - The House of Refuge presents an evening with Lady Pearl Nash on July 9, 2023 at 3pm. Special guest speaker - Senior Pastor Carol Beard of New Birth Reconciliation Ministry Moss Point, MS. Everyone is invited and lunch will be served.

July 6, 2023 - Northside Church of Christ is hosting July 7-9 a weekend series of lessons presented by B.J. Sipe of Danville, KY.

What God has said lessons about our life:

  • Friday, July 7 at 7pm - Compromise and Conformity “Our life in the world”
  • Saturday, July 8 at 9:30am - Fellowship
  • Saturday, July 8 at 10:30am - Holy Spirit
  • Saturday, July 8 at 1:30pm - Gender Roles in the Church “Our life in Christ”
  • Sunday, July 9 at 9:30am - Eschatology (end times)
  • Sunday, July 9 at 10:30am - Heaven/Hell “Living in the Next Life”

The church is located at 192 Highway 96 North, Center, Texas. For more information, contact Nathan Cox, minister at (936) 332-1091, website: northsidechurchincenter.com, or Facebook: @northsidechurchofchristcentertx

Tim PerkinsJuly 6, 2023 - Though it is not one of my favorite activities, and it will come as a shock to many people, but I will confess that I have been fishing once or twice in my life. It will never be at the top of my list of “preferred recreational activities”. In fact, it probably would not make the top 100. But I have tried it. I remember using a cork and watching it float on the surface of the water. I know that even when the cork is submerged, it will float to the top. I have even done some reading on this subject and found that you can press a cork down 10 or 50 or even 100 feet below the surface of the water and release it and it will rise again. Yet, I also read if that same cork is pressed down 200 feet below the surface of the water, it cannot rise again. The reason being that the water pressure at that depth is too great. The cork will collapse. That made me stop and do a little thinking. That scares you doesn’t it?

You see, it’s the same way with sin. The lower a man or woman sinks in the depths of sin, the greater the difficulty and less the probability of his or her ever rising again. The pressure of persistent sin can so damage the conscience of an individual that they cannot hear the call of God through the Gospel and therefore cannot be lifted from the mire of sin.

May our hearts ever be tender and alive to the call of the gospel and the pleadings of tour Savior. Let’s make sure we don’t get so deep in sin and neglect that we never rise again!

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com

July 5, 2023 - Mount Calvary Full Gospel Church is hosting 5 days of uplifting revival starting Monday, July 17th and each day through Friday, July 21st at 7pm nightly.

Monday - Wednesday the speaker will be Bro. Lamar Denby and Thursday and Friday as well as Sunday Morning, July 16th the service will be lead by Bro. Dave Boyd. Sunday Morning service is at 11am.

Music will be by the Mount Calvary Praise & Worship Team. Specials are welcome.

Finger Foods will be served after Friday evening Service.

For more information, call 936-590-1040.

Jully 5, 2023 - White Rock Missionary Baptist Church's Revival begins July 24th at 7pm with Evangelist Bro. Pete Underwood. The Revival continues each night at 7pm through Friday, July 28th.

July 5, 2023 - St. John Baptist Church, Center, Texas is hosting their Annual Homecoming and Revival starting Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 2pm.

Special guest on Sunday is Pastor Mario Osby, Smith Chapel Baptist Church, Timpson, Texas.

The Revival begins Monday, July 17 and continues through Thursday, July 20 starting at 7pm nightly. Come listen to Pastor Cedric Grace, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, San Augustine.

Everyone is welcome to attend. St. John Baptist Church is led by Pastor Winston Kibbles.

July 3, 2023 - Hear ye, hear ye! Calling all kids! You're cordially invited to Vacation Bible School at Lydia Missionary Baptist Church on FM 139 in Huxley, Texas July 9th-12th from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. Dinner served each night.

Don't forget to bring your friends!

Pre-register to be guaranteed a shirt! - https://lydiambc.org/vbs-2021-registration/

We are engaged in an epic battle for the hearts and minds of our youth. Every day, they are bombarded with lies about who they are, who their Creator is, and where their salvation comes from.

Thankfully, God has given his children armor to wear in this battle between truth and lies, light and darkness, good and evil.

Kids at this VBS learn how they can be part of God’s kingdom through salvation in his Son and will be equipped with the armor of God to become Keepers of the Kingdom who stand strong in today’s battle for truth.

For more information call 936-368-2462.

July 3, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, July 3. On this Independence Day Eve, some random thoughts.

What‘s the legacy of our Founding Fathers? What’s our legacy today? What is America’s greatest gift to the world? Our country, of course, is many things to many people. We’ve been called the World’s Breadbasket. Our “amber waves of grain” have fed hungry people across the earth. 
We’ve been called the World’s Policeman, providing peace and protection around the globe. New York City is, arguably, the financial capital of the planet and Hollywood, its center of entertainment.

But as great and wonderful as all that is, is there something more? I believe there is. And it is wrapped up in a single word. The word freedom. Tomorrow we’ll honor the words Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1776. Four score and seven years later Abraham Lincoln stood in honor of the fallen, and said, “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom”. And in 1961, a young president spoke these words for the ages -

“In the long history of the world only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to that endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.”

The words of John F. Kennedy still ring deeply within our American hearts, as we dedicate our lives anew to the pursuit of liberty and justice for all, as we continue to carry... the light of freedom.

Here’s wishing you and yours a wonderful 4th of July!

Meet you back here on Wednesday,
Bro. David

June 29, 2023 - All are welcome to Wallace Chapel Baptist Church Annual "Homecoming Revival," Sunday, July 2, 2023, starting at 12:30pm.

Theme: "Ain't No Place Like Home," Luke 15:11-24.

Speaker is Reverend Charleston Johnson, First Smyrna United Missionary Baptist Church of Timpson, Texas.

Revival services will be 7pm nightly Wednesday, July 5; Thursday, July 6; and Friday, July 7. Evangelist is Bishop Cedrick O'Keith Grace, Sr. from Mount Zion Baptist Church, San Augustine, Texas.

Wallace Chapel Baptist Church is located at 109 South Marcus Street in Timpson. Reverend Derrick Rhodes, Pastor; Sister LaQuista Garrett, Secretary.
