May 23, 2023 - Lone Cedar Missionary Baptist Church will be having their Revival Services May 29 to June 2nd at 7pm nightly. Bro. Marlin Ferguson is the Evangelist, Dr. Travis Worsham is the pianist, and Bro. Jay Pollan will be leading the singing.

May 23, 2023 - First Baptist Church in Center is hosting a Vacation Bible School on June 5-9 from 9am to 12pm.

Registration can be accomplished by visiting

May 22, 2023 - One Day Vacation Bible School at Mount Calvary Full Gospel Church - 5527 FM 417 East - Shelbyville, TX 75935, Saturday, June 10, from 10am till 3pm.

Bubbling Up For Jesus

  • Crafts
  • Outside Games & Water Slide (Bring Dry Clothes)
  • Cotton Candy - Snow Cones & Lunch, Refreshments

Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian

May 22, 2023 - Old Home Baptist Church VBS - "Stellar, Shine Jesus' Light" will be June 5th-8th (Monday - Thursday) from 5:30 to 8:00 PM nightly for Ages 3 thru 6th Grade. Old Home Baptist Church would love to have your children join us for Bible Story time, games, snacks and lots more. For details, text or call Wendy at 936-254-4872.

May 22, 2023 - The Joaquin Community Cemetery Homecoming will be held on Saturday, June 10, 2023 beginning at 10:30am. We plan a program with slide show about horses around Joaquin many years ago. We have plenty of pictures of folks riding and in buggies. It should be a lot of fun. There will be an offering taken for upkeep of cemetery and a pot luck lunch will follow. There will be door prizes and the kids are invited to decorate with sidewalk chalk that will be provided. All in all a good time will be had by everyone attending.

May 22, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, May 22.

Yesterday, in my broadcast Sunday School lesson, we studied the famous passage in Ephesians 6, where the Apostle Paul encourages us to "put on the full armor of God". Paul wrote those inspiring words to the church in Ephesus from Rome. He had always dreamed of going to Rome, as a missionary, as a church-planter, as a preacher. But when he finally arrived in that great city, he came as a prisoner.

The charges against Paul were relatively minor, so, instead of being placed in the dungeon of the notorious Mamertine Prison, he was put under house arrest. For two years he was guarded by, and perhaps chained to Roman soldiers. As he wrote about the "helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith", he was inches away from a living metaphor.

The New Testament includes four letters that Paul wrote during his time of incarceration - Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. They have been dubbed "the Prison Epistles", and we would not have them had not Paul been imprisoned. During this time, the great apostle was visited by his protégés Timothy and Mark, and had the time to mentor them, to prepare them to carry on his work.

The book of Romans was written as Paul was still dreaming of visiting Rome. In the eighth chapter he proclaims this powerful truth - "God works all things for good, to those who love Him and are called to His purpose". Paul could have grown bitter and disillusioned during his time of house arrest. Instead, he trusted God to do a good work, even during a bad time.

A lesson for us today.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

Tim PerkinsMay 18, 2023 - I enjoy history. In my reading about the American “Civil War” (sometimes referred to as “The War of Northern Aggression”) I read of a woman who heard that the enemy (Yankees!) was approaching. She immediately grabbed a poker from beside the fireplace and rushed out of the house into the yard. Someone standing nearby laughed and asked, “What good do you think that poker will do against guns?” She grimly replied, “At least they will know which side I am on!”

Jesus was concerned about this when he said, “He that is not with me is against me” (Matthew 12:30) There is no such thing in Christianity as a “middle of the road” position. We may refuse to take part in the troubles of individuals. We may refuse to take part in the differences in nations. We may refuse to get involved in the political debates that rage in our nation. But we cannot refuse to take a part in the work of the Lord. Refusal places us against Christ. In no other condition in life is this felt so severely as the work of Christ. There is a reason for this. Our final home with God depends on what we do while we dwell on this earth. We are constantly fighting evil and upholding right if we live as Jesus would have us to live and according to his teachings. It is a race. It is a battle. It is a struggle. There is no place where we may rest and there is no possibility of capitulation. We must be constantly on the march.

We need to pick up our pokers and let the devil and his crowd know whose side we are on.

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at

May 17, 2023 - First Methodist Church, Center is happy to announce Vacation Bible School for kids ages 4 - 12.  This year's theme is Knights of the North Castle. Our knights will discover that the King's armor is made of something stronger than iron and chain.  The knights will be invited to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of God’s Power. (They may also get a little from a friendly dragon!)  VBS will take place June 13 - 15 (Tues, Wed, Thurs) from 5:30 - 7:30 pm.  Registration is required and spots are limited.    Register online at or call the Church Office at 936-598-2707.  

Looking forward to a fun-filled adventure.

May 15, 2023 - Mt. Zion Church is hosting the 2023 Baccalaureate Services along with family, friends, and school officials to honor the Class of 2023 on Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 11am.

The church looks forward to this worship experience, as an interfaith body of believers, celebrate our graduates, give thanks for all they have learned, and submit their futures unto God.

Theme scripture for service is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Anita Williams and Kristi McClelland
2023 Baccalaureate Services Chairpersons

“And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.” Psalms 55:6
“I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalms 23:6

May 15, 2023 - As usual, our backyard is filled with doves. When we moved to San Augustine years ago, we had only Mourning Doves, but now we also have Inca Doves, Collared Doves  and for the past two years, White-wing Doves. All three have certain things in common. When we walk upon them, they all burst up swiftly on the take-off and and within seconds are across the big field behind the house. They fly up so quickly that they sometimes inadvertently drag their eggs from the nest as they fly upwards. When I see them disappear across the field, I more clearly understand David’s words, “If I had the wings of a dove, I would fly away.”

Even though David’s sins were forgiven, the Prophet Nathan tells him the sword would never depart from his house. David had many friends… and many enemies. King Saul repeatedly tried to kill him, his son Absalom who led an army against him was later found hanging dead in a tree. In his desperation, he didn’t pray for wings… but meant that if he had them, he’d do what frightened doves do… shoot up quickly and soar away swiftly from his troubles.

David was Israel’s greatest King and reigned for forty years. At seventy years of age, he called his son Solomon to his death bed and said, “I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the Lord your God.” Then David soared… without wings… all the way to heaven’s rest.

“… And dwells in the house of the Lord forever.’”
