April 10, 2023 - Good Morning!  It’s Monday, April 10.

The Bible is a book that is dominated by stories about men. I challenge you to name more than ten significant female characters from God’s Word.  Why is this?  Perhaps it’s because the Bible was written in a culture dominated by men.  Whatever your conclusion, we must agree that women of the Word, although few in number, are often great in faith.  Women like Queen Esther, Deborah the Judge, Ruth, of the Book of Ruth, Priscilla, protege of Paul, and Mary, the mother of Christ.

Yesterday, on Easter, many Sunday School lessons and sermons centered on the resurrection story from the 20th chapter of the gospel of John.  The main character of that story was, of course, Jesus, a man.  But, in a very important role, we find a woman, Mary Magdalene.

The Bible tells us that, early in His ministry, Jesus healed Mary of seven demons, and we can safely assume that she was one of the many that followed Him and supported Him and loved Him throughout His time on Earth.  This is evident in the events of Holy Week, when ten men, the disciples, were nowhere to be found when Christ was dying on the Cross.  But Mary Magdalene was there.  When two men took Jesus down from the Cross and buried Him, the Bible tells us that Mary was there, silently watching.  And on that first Easter morning it was Mary who came to the empty tomb.  It was Mary who was the first to see the Risen Lord.

After this story in John 20, there is nothing else written in the Word about Mary Magdalene.  But we can safely assume that she remained a devoted follower of Christ for the rest of her life, perhaps sharing, over and over, her unique and powerful testimony.  Mary Magdalene, an inspiring Bible character.  Mary Magdalene, a woman of faith.

Meet you back here tomorrow,

Bro. David

April 7, 2022 - First Baptist Church of Center would like you to join us for our Easter Block Party on Saturday, April 8th from 11am - 1pm at Portacool Park! There will be food, bounce houses, an Easter egg hunt and more!

April 7, 2023 - House of Refuge Apostolic Ministries located at 215 Church St. Center will be celebrating their Ushers Sis. Carolyn Price, Sis. Barbara Cartwright and Sis. Denise Peoples on April 16 at 3pm. 

Their guest speaker for that day is Elder Richard McCowin from Lone Star Missionary Baptist Church in Chandler, TX. 

Everyone is invited. 

April 6, 2023 - The House of Refuge Apostolic Ministries presents Soul Saving Conference 2023 on May 10-12, 2023 at 7pm nightly. Conference host is Pastor Pearlie Nash and theme is "Saving the Lost at Any Cost" ~ Luke 15:3-6.
This article is copied from Shelby County Today without permission.
Guest Speakers are:

  • Wednesday - First Lady Lillie Stanley, East Liberty Baptist Church, Shelbyville
  • Thursday - Shawnacey and LaMarcus Goodwin, Free People Church, Lufkin
  • Friday - Ronda Coleman, Gates Community Church Int'l, Athens, TX

Everyone is invited. Admission is free and will have food vendors on site. The church is located at 215 Church Street, Center, Texas 75935.

April 6, 2023 - When we meet Moses in Exodus chapter 4, he is 80 years old. He has spent 40 years in Egypt, growing up in the household of Pharaoh and 40 years in Midian, herding sheep for his father-in-law on the back side of nowhere.

He had a stammering voice and some serious self-esteem issues. There was nothing about his physical appearance or disposition to make him outstanding as a leader among men.

But, when he submitted himself to the Lord, when he allowed God to direct him, he became mighty in the history of the people of God. You see, God can take the little things and change them into something great.  God asked Moses, “What is that in thy hand?” Moses answered, “A rod”. Something that was simply a stick in the hand of Moses, by the power of God became the force that brought the plagues on Egypt, divided the Red Sea, brought water from a rock and won a battle when Moses used it as God directed him. Little things, when placed in the hand of God become great things.

David’s sling and five small, smooth stones by the power of God were able to slay a Philistine Giant. Five loaves and two fish that belonged to a small boy became enough by the blessing of the Savior to feed five thousand.

We must be willing to take our talent, our ability and commit fully to God and become an instrument in the hand of God to do great things for His glory.

It’s something to think about. . . TBP

Join Center Church of Christ for Worship this coming Lord’s Day - www.centerchurchofchrist.com

April 3, 2023 - Join us at Lydia MBC for a Easter Egg-stravaganza on Saturday, April 8th from 2pm to 4pm at Lydia Missionary Baptist Church on Fm 139.

We will start with a devotional and special prayer with Bro. Michael, then egg hunting for babies to 6th grade, bounce houses, cookies and lemonade refreshments, photo prop, games and more!

Everyone is invited! Kids only need to bring an empty basket! If you have any questions, please call Haley Parks at 368-2838

April 3, 2023 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, April 3.

This, of course, is Holy Week and each day this week I will be looking at what Jesus was doing on that day. After His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Sunday, His Monday began very differently. Matthew 21:12 tells us - He entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. "It is written", He said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer but you are making it a den of thieves!"

I directed an Easter production years ago at a church in Dallas and I remember how much our "Jesus" enjoyed the scene where he got to turn over all the tables and throw down the cages! I don't believe that Jesus enjoyed it, though. And He was very aware that the "powers that be" were closely watching His every move that week and were plotting against Him. The easiest thing to do would have been to look the other way and to do nothing. 

But Jesus spoke truth to power. Jesus stood strong.

This story reminded me of this song . . .

Stand up, stand up for Jesus the trumpet call obey
Forth to the mighty conflict in this His glorious day
Ye that are His now serve Him against unnumbered foes
Let courage rise with danger and strength to strength oppose.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

March 30, 2023 - At the front of the auditorium in many church buildings you will find what is called the “communion table.” On the front are engraved the words of Jesus, “This do in remembrance of me”. On every Lord’s day, it is (or should be) prepared for those who would remember their Lord in the way commanded by the Lord Himself. There is nothing that could be more simple or more human than this appointment. Jesus requests that His disciples make the simple act of eating and drinking the occasion for remembering Him each week.

In our home, we have a special drawer in our kitchen that we refer to as the “junk drawer”. You probably have one too. In that drawer is an old baby food can, open on one end with a knife slit in the other end. To the uneducated, it is simply an old worthless can. To me it is a valuable treasure. That old can was grandmother Perkins’ biscuit cutter. Over the years I have eaten some of the finest biscuits ever made cut out with that old tin can. So, to me, it is a treasured remembrance of priceless value.

Just like I have my old baby food can, you have your keepsakes and remembrances and they are of priceless value to you. Yet, how much value do we place on the remembrance of Jesus? When we fail to make worship a priority on the Lord’s Day, we say to the world and Christ who died for us that it does not really mean all that much to us. Paul would write, “As oft as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show forth the Lord’s death till he come.”

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com

March 30, 2023 - St. John's Episcopal Church will be having Easter Services with communion being offered on April 9, 2023 at 9am.

Everyone is invited to attend. Located on 96S just past SV circle.

March 29, 2023 - Mount Calvary Full Gospel Church would be so honored by your presence at their upcoming Easter Program.

Presenting 'The Easter story' - like you've never heard it before! The program presented by the Mount Calvary Praise and Worship Team and Children on Sunday, April 2 at 6pm at Mount Calvary Full Gospel Church.

Refreshments after.

Directions: 5527 FM 417 East, Shelbyville, TX 75973.

For more information, call 936-591-1886 or 936-590-1040.
