David's Daily Devotion for April 3

April 3, 2023 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, April 3.

This, of course, is Holy Week and each day this week I will be looking at what Jesus was doing on that day. After His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Sunday, His Monday began very differently. Matthew 21:12 tells us - He entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. "It is written", He said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer but you are making it a den of thieves!"

I directed an Easter production years ago at a church in Dallas and I remember how much our "Jesus" enjoyed the scene where he got to turn over all the tables and throw down the cages! I don't believe that Jesus enjoyed it, though. And He was very aware that the "powers that be" were closely watching His every move that week and were plotting against Him. The easiest thing to do would have been to look the other way and to do nothing. 

But Jesus spoke truth to power. Jesus stood strong.

This story reminded me of this song . . .

Stand up, stand up for Jesus the trumpet call obey
Forth to the mighty conflict in this His glorious day
Ye that are His now serve Him against unnumbered foes
Let courage rise with danger and strength to strength oppose.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David