New Sheriff, District Attorney, Others Sworn Into Office with New Year (Videos)

Sheriff Kevin Windham and District Attorney Karren PriceJanuary 1, 2020 (Photo Album) - Just past midnight, a swearing in ceremony was held at the Shelby County Sheriff's Department for several law enforcement officials.

First to be sworn in by Justice of the Peace Pct 2 Marla Denby was Kevin Windham. Sheriff Windham was surrounded by family and friends while he took the oath of office. He then announced his new Chief Deputy to be Ruth Gonzales who has been with the Sheriff's Department for the past four years. Sheriff Windham also announced Tanner Peace to be the new Administrative Lieutenant.

Next to be sworn in by JP Denby was Karren Price as the new Shelby County District Attorney and Stevie Smith as the new Commissioner of Precinct 3.

Additional law enforcement officials sworn in were Constable Precinct 3 Roy Cheatwood; Constable Precinct 4 Taylor Fanguy; and Constable Precinct 5 Josh Tipton.

Once all the elected officials were sworn in, Sheriff Windham introduced his officers and then performed the installation of his officers as they gave their law enforcement oath.