DA Office to be Refurbished, County Jail Gets New Control Board

April 19, 2022 - The Shelby County Commissioners accepted a quote on April 13, 2022, for painting and flooring work in the Shelby County District Attorney's office.

Two quotes were received by the county with the first quote being from T and T Construction (Anthony Tomlin) in the amount of $32,560 and a second quote for $30,000.

Karren Price, District Attorney, described a soft flooring issue in the front hall area of her office and in the front office where a wall was removed in the past. The quote from T and T Construction included repairing any sub-flooring as needed.

A motion carried to move forward with the original bid received from T and T Construction for $32,560 because the quote is locked in for a turn key job. The funds for the work were to come out of Courthouse Repairs.

A motion carried by the commissioners approving the replacement of the control system board for the Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $27,050.

"This is the control panel that controls the locks," said County Judge Allison Harbison.

Sheriff Kevin Windham confirmed the control board is for the jail and that the equipment has reached the end of its life.

"It's our jail control board, it controls every doors inside of that jail, it controls sally port," said Sheriff Windham. "It's a computer that controls all of these locks."

He reiterated the board has reached the end of its life and they were able to extend its life temporarily.

Sheriff Windham shared with the court the board is as old as the jail and has been in service since that time.

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:
1. Minutes of March 2, 2022 Special meeting, March 9, 2022 Regular meeting, March 16, 2022 Special meeting, March 23, 2022 Special meeting, March 30, 2022 Special meeting of the Shelby County Commissioner’s Court.
2. Pay weekly expenses.
3. Officers Reports.
4. Current payroll.
5. Painting and flooring for the District Attorney’s office at a cost of $32,560.
6. Replace the Control system board for the Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $27,050.
7. Adjourn.