Commissioner 3 Makes Several Equipment Purchase, Sale Decisions; Burn Ban Remains in Place

July 21, 2022 - The Shelby County Commissioners took no action to lift the burn ban during their July 20, 2022, meeting due to the continued drought and need for a substantial amount of rain.

Stevie Smith, Commissioner Precinct 3, explained his desire to borrow funds from the CRF (Coronavirus Relief Fund) to purchase a new truck for his precinct.

He said he looked at a pickup truck at Center Motor Company and has been looking over his budget with Clint Porterfield, County Auditor, and he said he would be cutting it a little close on his budget.

"[Center Motor Company] told us they'd finance it for me for three months, came back and talked with [Clint Porterfield] and the PO (purchase order) would have been written this year," said Smith. "It would be better just to borrow the money from the fund and replace it in my next year's budget."

Porterfield added Smith would have some funding opportunities that would become available soon and CTIF reimbursements (County Transportation Infrastructure Fund) coming.

"We did discuss that as soon as possible, when this money is available, that the treasurer would then process a check to reimburse the CRF fund from his budget, or from these income funds that he would be receiving," said Porterfield. "We would not carry this over very long into next year. Hopefully, we'll do it this year with the sale of this equipment."

A motion carried to approve borrowing funds from the CRF to purchase a new truck.

The meeting then moved on to setting deadlines to take sealed bids on a 2007 Ford pickup truck belonging to Commissioner Precinct 3.

"We didn't put that in the motion last week, so we need to clarify that, how long we're going to take bids," said Judge Allison Harbison.

A motion carried to have bids in by August 9 to be opened on the court date of August 10.

Two pieces of equipment Smith was seeking to post on Purple Wave for sale included a 2007 CAT Excavator and a 2011 CAT D6K Dozer. Smith explained the equipment is good, he just has more efficient equipment.

"I've been in office 20 months now, there hasn't been 10 gallons of fuel burnt through either one of them," said Smith. "The reason why, they're so big it takes an 18-wheeler to move them."

A motion carried to take online bids with Purple Wave for the sale of a 2007 Cat Excavator, which was followed by a motion to take online bids with Purple Wave for the sale of a 2011 Cat D6K Dozer.

The meeting then adjourned at 9:38am.

Agenda items approved during the July 20 meeting include:
1. Pay weekly expenses.
2. Current payroll.
3. Commissioner Pct.3 to borrow funds from the CRF fund to purchase a new truck.
4. Set deadlines for sealed bids on 2007 Ford Truck with bids to be in by 8/9/2022 and opened on 8/10/2022. 
5. Commissioner Pct. 3 to take online bids with Purple Wave for the sale of a 2007 Cat Excavator.
6. Commissioner Pct. 3 to take online bids with Purple Wave for the sale of a 2011 Cat D6K Dozer.
7. Adjourn.