Piney Woods Photographic Society "Flight" Challenge Winners

March 20, 2023 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society held their March meeting this past Saturday, March 18, 2023, at the First United Methodist Church, Center, TX. There was a workshop presented on "Photographing Flora" presented by Billie Jones with the monthly challenge being "Flight". Each member submitted up to 3 photographs where a form of flight was the main subject. To view all the challenge photos submitted view the PWPS Flickr page,

For more information, about the Piney Woods Photographic Society, check out or Facebook page, or contact Billie F. Jones, 936-591-2426 or any club member.

After much deliberation and members voting for their "Favorite" photo, the results are as follows of the March Challenge are:

1st Place Favorite, "I'M OUTTA HERE" by Janice Carter

2nd Place Favorite, "WINCHESTER" by Bobbie Jean Wood

3rd Place Favorite (Tie), "GIRLY BUBBLES" by Summer Koltonski

3rd Place Favorite (Tie), "FREE FALLING" by Billie F. Jones