David's Daily Devotion for August 9

August 9, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, August 9.

A quiz to start out your mid-week! Can you guess what each of these people invented?

*Louis Braille
*Joseph Guillotine
*Henry Heimlich
*Jules Leotard
*Candido Jacuzzi
*Rudolph Diesel
*George Ferris
*Nacho Anaya
*Samuel Morse
*Hans Geiger
*Emo Rubik
*Earl Tupper
*Samuel Colt
*Frank Zamboni

Do you get an A+? I'll bet you did. Each invention, of course, was named after the inventor. 

The name "Christian" is found only three times in the New Testament. In the beginning, the members of this new faith were called "believers," "elect," "saints," among other names. But, in Acts 11:26, we read these words, "and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." The bustling, cosmopolitan city of Antioch attracted people from all over the civilized world, and many different religious groups were found there. But the followers of the young group called "The Way" were special. They were different. They stood out. And they attracted the attention of the Greeks, who gave them the name "Christians."

Do we attract the attention of our world today? Are we special? Different? Do we stand out? Are we living lives worthy of our name.

Are we worthy of His name?

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David