Center City Council Regular Meeting Agenda, October 23, 2023

October 20, 2023 - The Center City Council will meet in Regular Session on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 5pm in Council Room at Center City Hall. The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

I. Welcome Guests and Visitors.

II. Public Hearing

1. Specific Use Permit- 1011 Hurst Street( Case# 2023- 6)

III. Approval of Minutes Regular meeting on September 25, 2023

IV. Discuss Consider and Action on the Following:

A. Ordinance 2023- 14 Amending the Zoning Ordinance- Definitions of Billboards/Off-Premises Signs
B. Ordinance 2023- 15 Specific Use Permit 1011 Hurst Street( SCAD Prop ID#53647)
C. Resolution 2023- 28 FEMA- NFIP Community Rating System Participation
D. Resolution 2023- 29 TXDoT Aviation Routine Airport Maintenance Agreement Program ( RAMP) Grant
E. Authorize Service Contract for Airport Operations/Access Monitoring System

V. Items of Interest from Council and City Manager and Citizens- No Action Items.

A. Financial Reports 4th Quarter Cash& Investment Report
B. Board/ Committee Reports
C. Staff Report

VI. Executive Session

Consider entering executive session for legal consultation with the City Attorney and discussion of pending litigation, personnel matters, Economic Development negotiations and land acquisition with possible action related thereto upon reconvening in open session in accordance with Government Code Section 551. 071, 551. 072, 551. 074 and 551. 087

VII. Adjournment